Bill S.978: The End of Let's Plays and Gaming Streams?

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
So is this true or not ?

Talking about a "ban" to stream gameplay videos (and more). Would be curious if what he says is true.

It's real and a horrible bill, it's extremely poorly written. It only takes place in the US and I doubt most/any gaming companies will care (as he points out they don't now) but if there are annoying watchdogs, it would be annoying. It's also completely pointless, it's already illegal to download or upload copyrighted material so the bill is redundant. I'd also point out that it requires 10 uploads within a time period (like a month) and that being a convicted felon in the US strips you of some rights, so it really blows.
The main point of the bill is to add harsher punishments to people breaking the rules. It's a load of horseshit and should not be passed.
I kinda have the feeling that behind this is again some kind of lobby with the intention to milk the consumer instead of really trying to protect something or even trying to get rid of some injustice because as you already pointed out it seems there are indeed already laws and rules available. So I dont see why they have to come up again with a law that might open a whole new can of worms ...

the only thing I worry about is that if it really happens in the US it will not take very long till the companies around here demand something similar. I really understand and respect artists that want to protect their work. But many of those copy right laws and protections actually do not even help the artists and do not help them to "earn more" but giving the companies more tools to infantilize their customers.
Yeah ... well I found my way of trolling them as I found ways how to watch youtube stuff that is not available here becaues of copyright issues. GEMA, Sonny and all the others can suck my dick.
Additionally, the Motion Picture Association of America states that those who "stream videos without intending to profit" will not be prosecuted under the newly amended law.

So, in theory, it shouldn't be a problem for Let's Play videos, or I'm missing something?
Problem is, the law doesn't seem to offer clear definitions for things like "intent to profit" or "copyrighted material" etc. so it's basically all up in the air. You quote a statement by MPAA, but video games aren't their product. If Bethesda or EA or w/e decide to sue someone on the basis of the law, they still can. MPAA says they won't be persecuting the not-for-profit streams because they choose not to, not because the law is written to accommodate that.

Therefore, I agree with Garlic that it's basically a poorly written bill that's, unfortunately, very likely to become law.
In theory, yes. But some dudes might have ads on their viddler or webspaces to help cover the costs and they'll take that however they please. Fuck this law on principal, fuck the MPAA and everyone else like 'em.
Couldn't this, in theory, allow Publishers to screw reviewers who "treat their material unrespectfuly"?

I was thinking of signing a petition against this but then I figured it probably won't do any good since I'm not american :P
I think review stuff might be covered under Fair Use? Hell, that might help cover LP's and such, but I'm not sure.

It wouldn't do any good, prime, because petitions don't accomplish shit.
Ausdoerrt said:
^ From what I've read about the bill, it doesn't have a "fair use" provision.

Figures... Seems to be like this bill has been written by people who aren't very well informed.

Or maybe they're just too well informed, depending on your paranoia level.
If this bill passes to law, it will be the death of another form of original entertainment. I don't want to watch Jersey Shore. Lp's are really the any kind of video entertainment I get these days. I dunno. T.V's dead. Movies are dead. Books these days are shit. L.p's for me are the only kind of video joy I get. Well back to the stone age for me.

Hey look, a rock, a sling and a mammoth. Time to go hunting.
I can really only think of one upside. No more fallout 3 lps. I swear, if I see one more fallout 3 lp, I'll shove the game up todd howard's dick hole.
Anyway, would mods for games be affected? One of my favorite lp'ers, AlChestBreach, does Fallout New Vegas mod let's plays.

Anyway, if it does pass, I hope they'l at least let Chuggaaconroy finish his pikmin 2 lp.
It's not like the law will automatically ban LPs. That's not what it says or even intends to do. But it's dangerously open. My guess is that lps will keep being made for a while after the law's passed, until the time when some company makes a dick move and sues a guy for an LP or similar stream, so that everyone else will decide it's not worth it.