Bioshock has gone gold

Gigashlork said:
This is the stuff in the XBox version...I'm sure the PC is similar.

That's actually a piece of fan-art, it just has the making-of DVD, a soundtrack CD, and the big daddy figure. If you go look over at the fanart section of Cult of Rapture you can find that picture.
Gigashlork said:
Yeah Irrational's a good example of a developer intouch with their fanbase. It'll probably change now since they're 2k, but it was good for the time being.
Actually, from what Ken Levine has been saying over at Qtt3 it doesn't sound like 2k interferes much in their processes. Considering that 2k has been their parent company for a while and this is just a name change to introduce the brand with what looks to be a blockbuster title, I wouldn't worry too much.

Is it Fallout quality? Yes, like I said it has that "soul", that quality you can sense right away in any production where the people involved really bought into the creative vision and went full tilt for it. As long as you remember it's a shooter, it was marketed as a shooter and was developed as a shooter. The story, thus far, is great. The intro sequence bringing you into the game is the best I've seen in a while. Everything feels right. The art direction is stellar. Everything fits together so well. It's not like other games where pieces of the same building look like they were built for two completely different games. It all belongs. It's all Bioshock. I also wouldn't say the combat was twitchy, the splicers don't just BAM - appear on your back and frenzy firefight ensues. You go room to room, sometimes you get the drop on them and other times they have the drop on you but you always have a moment to direct your attention to where it needs to be.

btw, this is what the LE box looks like:


I wish it had the steelcase giga posted, that would be neat. I'm pretty happy with the big daddy for my desk and the music disc though.
I've tried the demo. It's a pretty cool game overall but, imo, you should not expect it to compete with the level of System Shock 2. The atmosphere, graphics and design are awesome though but it's far more action-oriented than System Shock 2.
MrBumble said:
I've tried the demo. It's a pretty cool game overall but, imo, you should not expect it to compete with the level of System Shock 2. The atmosphere, graphics and design are awesome though but it's far more action-oriented than System Shock 2.
which Levine said time & time again.

so don't act surprised...
Demo was cool, I especially liked hearing the Ink Spots song "If I Didn't Care" at the restaurant, made me think of Fallout of course.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Gigashlork said:
This is the stuff in the XBox version...I'm sure the PC is similar.

That's actually a piece of fan-art, it just has the making-of DVD, a soundtrack CD, and the big daddy figure. If you go look over at the fanart section of Cult of Rapture you can find that picture.

Ahhh.. thanks for the clarifications. Stupid Internets and Photoshops :D

Ah well, still looking forward to getting the LE.

Also liked Tycho's comment on PA yesterday:

It is my intention to secure two copies of the game, entire - one Collectors' edition, and one exclusively to shove up Roger Ebert's ass. If Bioshock isn't "art," then art is the poorer for it.
Killzig said:
Gigashlork said:
Yeah Irrational's a good example of a developer intouch with their fanbase. It'll probably change now since they're 2k, but it was good for the time being.
Actually, from what Ken Levine has been saying over at Qtt3 it doesn't sound like 2k interferes much in their processes. Considering that 2k has been their parent company for a while and this is just a name change to introduce the brand with what looks to be a blockbuster title, I wouldn't worry too much.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see...I'm still a pessimist in this regard. I can picture 2k shuffling around resources from Irrational to work on other projects ("Can we borrow your art guy for a few months?" etc.) and Irrational's core eventually dissolving into the 2k corporate structure. Meh, I dunno.

I don't understand why they'd change their studio name given that , from all indications, BioShock looks to be a huge hit (and past Irrational games were also great) building Irrational's name recognition. Did they think "Irrational" would be taken as not being serious enough or too cheeky?
Gigashlork said:
Killzig said:
Gigashlork said:
Yeah Irrational's a good example of a developer intouch with their fanbase. It'll probably change now since they're 2k, but it was good for the time being.
Actually, from what Ken Levine has been saying over at Qtt3 it doesn't sound like 2k interferes much in their processes. Considering that 2k has been their parent company for a while and this is just a name change to introduce the brand with what looks to be a blockbuster title, I wouldn't worry too much.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see...I'm still a pessimist in this regard. I can picture 2k shuffling around resources from Irrational to work on other projects ("Can we borrow your art guy for a few months?" etc.) and Irrational's core eventually dissolving into the 2k corporate structure. Meh, I dunno.

I don't understand why they'd change their studio name given that , from all indications, BioShock looks to be a huge hit (and past Irrational games were also great) building Irrational's name recognition. Did they think "Irrational" would be taken as not being serious enough or too cheeky?
he did say the guys at Firaxis helped them on animations/textures etc and that they themselves are helping Firaxis with Civ Revolutions.