Bioshock releases artbook online

LE edition on order... should be in my mail pretty soon.

Piece of advise though - DON'T look in the art book AT ALL yet! I took a peek and there were some things in there I don't think I wasn't meant to see yet... some new "things"..... if you catch my drift. Wait until you've completed the game.

Will it be good? I sure hope so! Ken deserves a real sales hit after all these years.
I saw nothing new in the artbook, though I didn't read any text since you're advised the text contains spoilers.

The art revealed nothing new if you followed most previews.
Brother None said:
The art revealed nothing new if you followed most previews.

Well - I thought I had done that, but obviously I hadn't in that case. The octopus inspired creatures were new to me. Oh well...
I read their little introductions to each of the art book areas but not the forward since they said that was spoilery. The intro to the enemies/creatures/whateveritwascalled area said that they originally planned on having the denizens of Rapture more monster-y, but later decided against it and thought it would be creepier to have them be human, only crazy.

So odds are a lot of the concept art for blobby monsters is just concept art and not really in the game.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
I read their little introductions to each of the art book areas but not the forward since they said that was spoilery. The intro to the enemies/creatures/whateveritwascalled area said that they originally planned on having the denizens of Rapture more monster-y, but later decided against it and thought it would be creepier to have them be human, only crazy.

So odds are a lot of the concept art for blobby monsters is just concept art and not really in the game.

Sounds logical enough - only that now when I've seen some of them I actually wouldn't mind if one or two of them are in there somewhere. From what I understand no one on the outside (who is allowed to talk about it anyway) knows anything much about the later stages of the game yet. Maybe if you end up in a fight with Ryan he has some kind of guardian or something, you never know....
Brother None said:
I hate hype.

I hate hype for these guys, too.

But I can forgive it because they're such nice guys.

But still, hype is hype. the game can't live up to the hype, because that's what hype is; something you promise but can't possibly deliver. Two possibilities:

i think halo would fit into that kinda hype.... i wasnt impressed at all when i play halo2, never understood all that hype.... :?

Killzig said:
the hype hasn't really been manufactured from the onset though. It's been building steadily as more and more people have had face time with the game itself.

That's the kind of hype I can get behind. The people's hype. :mrgreen:

i concur :crazy: