Bitmob Surveys Fallout 3 glitches

Beelzebud said:
Anyone remember the 10-minute saves and loads in Fallout 2 before the patch?

466Mhz Celeron and 128MB RAM. 3-4 minutes to load final saves at oil rig. And then getting ~150 points of damage out of nothing...Didn't finish it first time.
Beth doesn't fix their games.... they let modders do that while they sell you horse armour.

Buggiest game? Temple of Elemental Evil. I couldn't ever get that damned game to play.
rcorporon said:
Buggiest game? Temple of Elemental Evil. I couldn't ever get that damned game to play.

Sucks to be you, you missed out. I had the perseverance to finish the game twice before the patches :wink:

The current Co8 patch makes the game stable aside from a few hiccups.

It's buggy, but I think the other two Troika games could very well compete for the "buggiest game" title :D
Seconded. +1 Internets. I used to hate the car for that kind of garbage.

Also: the glitch with the flying robots in Bigtown was supremely irritating.