In first begining concept of this mod i tryed made alternate brotherhood of steel organization. Some rebeliants and wasteland pirats. Then i change concepts to different taken inspirations from movies. Now i return to begining and i think stay on that.
-Maybe i improve power aromours to more similar W40K
-Most locations will be underground dungeons like space hulk game.
-There will be few steel organizations, dont tknown names but you start game as recruit in "black" steel
(something like chaos legions)
-There may be lot ww2 like bunkers
-You may be space marine and locations in different planets, moons
-Most fights will be against supermutants (as orks) and aliens, deathclaws
-Ofcourse there will be adventure elements in game
-Car will be changed to infantry tank (to put all team you have)
-Some hard industrial music will be add
-Mainmenu and splashscreens i taken from W40K wallpappers (got some great)
-Maybe i improve power aromours to more similar W40K
-Most locations will be underground dungeons like space hulk game.
-There will be few steel organizations, dont tknown names but you start game as recruit in "black" steel
(something like chaos legions)
-There may be lot ww2 like bunkers
-You may be space marine and locations in different planets, moons
-Most fights will be against supermutants (as orks) and aliens, deathclaws
-Ofcourse there will be adventure elements in game
-Car will be changed to infantry tank (to put all team you have)
-Some hard industrial music will be add
-Mainmenu and splashscreens i taken from W40K wallpappers (got some great)