Blacklight: Retribution

Downloading now, will edit this post later.

EDIT: played a few matches, the game is good and, most important, fun. Not a CoD4 (haters gonna hate), but still worth a try. It's free anyway, so the only thing one can lose is a bit of time.
Would play it but it'll screw with my old Cryptic account if I do due to them goofing the merger of Perfect Worlds/Cryptic. <.<

From what I've seen it's not totally pay to win. Guns only last so long before you need to re-buy them but the default stuff is pretty good.
It seems premium is only for cosmetic items, like looking liek a Rastafari soldier or an alien. Also it lets you buy guns earlier than you would get them but you can get all of those simply by playing the game, I am using incendiary bullets and stuff and I am only level 4.
To play it ,you need just to download,Install,update it. Paying is for better guns,armors,items etc. This payable items didn't make you better player. I downloaded and looking good.
Even premium items are only rentals, AFAIK.

That whole rental system is quite retarded.
I recommend TotalBiscuit's 'WTF is...' on this game.
He gives a very detailed explanation on how the rental system works.
It actually seems very reasonable and fair.
I've played a game with a similar "rental" system once, and it's still BS, IMO. Here, looks like different wrapper, same content.

It's kind of cool how you can make all the different guns with parts, but it also takes P2W to level 9000.

Bottom line - cash shop with superior items as unlocks in competitive games don't work. "Rental" is just a way to siphon more cash.
Ausdoerrt said:
I've played a game with a similar "rental" system once, and it's still BS, IMO. Here, looks like different wrapper, same content.

It's kind of cool how you can make all the different guns with parts, but it also takes P2W to level 9000.

Bottom line - cash shop with superior items as unlocks in competitive games don't work. "Rental" is just a way to siphon more cash.
Maybe so, but you don't need to pay cash in Blacklight.
You can rent a very good gun for ingame currency that you earn by simply playing the game. Playing about two matches gets you enough money to rent a top tier gun for a whole day.
You can pay real cash to make your own uber weapon that you keep forever, but on the other hand you can just rent a gun that's just as good with ingame money, that you earn by playing.
Spending real money gives you no real advantage over freeplayers except that you may have more customization. Which doesn't make you stronger as you don't get better guns than freeplayers do.
I know it sounds good in theory, but from experience, I don't trust this F2P model, not one bit. Eventually the cash warriors end up with all the best stuff and unbalance the game. Otherwise, what idiot would pay 7+ bucks to "rent" a gun if you can get the same in a game or two? The devs would make no money off the game.

Technically, you don't have to pay cash in ANY f2p game, but you do have to accept that you'll be a "lesser player" if you don't.

Now, I may be a bit too harsh; I didn't try this specific game and maybe it's a bit better balanced; I doubt they could remove all the inherent flaws of the system though.
Oh god, this game plays like a crippled mutant from hell. And the animations are hilarious, they kinda remind me of Fallout 3's sprinting animation, only more retarded. Boring maps, bad shooting mechanics. Bad game all around.
Ausdoerrt said:
I know it sounds good in theory, but from experience, I don't trust this F2P model, not one bit. Eventually the cash warriors end up with all the best stuff and unbalance the game. Otherwise, what idiot would pay 7+ bucks to "rent" a gun if you can get the same in a game or two? The devs would make no money off the game.

Technically, you don't have to pay cash in ANY f2p game, but you do have to accept that you'll be a "lesser player" if you don't.

Now, I may be a bit too harsh; I didn't try this specific game and maybe it's a bit better balanced; I doubt they could remove all the inherent flaws of the system though.

Not in all of them. All cash buys you in TF2 is sidegrades and silly hats (save a few poorly balanced exception, but balance in TF2 has been a wreck since day 1). In League of Legends, it only buys speficic champions (the free 10 always have at least a few good ones) and skins. The only gameplay-related buys (Runes) are exclusively bought with in-game currency.

As for Blacklight, I'm not very interested. The rental model also bugs me, as my playtime is fairly unpredictable, and while gameplay has a few fun quirks (hacking, built-in maphack, hardsuits) it looks like generic CoD-like shooter number whatever, with armor that looks exactly like the Belltower mercs from Deus Ex: HR. Will try once I can actually download stuff again; stupid canadian internet and our silly download limits.
Well, frankly, the players with those "side-grades" in TF2 do tend to be stronger, if not by very much. LoL though, yeah, it's mostly cosmetic. It's more similar to the (better) f2p model where you pay for content rather than upgrades.
Ausdoerrt said:
I know it sounds good in theory, but from experience, I don't trust this F2P model, not one bit. Eventually the cash warriors end up with all the best stuff and unbalance the game. Otherwise, what idiot would pay 7+ bucks to "rent" a gun if you can get the same in a game or two? The devs would make no money off the game.

they make money off of impatient gamers who can't be bothered to put a lot of work into a game before they're on top. which means the vast majority of players.

if you have the cash, why not pay up right away instead of waiting 2 weeks or so before you get that gun you so badly want? even if it comes for free in two weeks? this mentality is what drives F2P games.

LoL is a perfect example - there is absolutely nothing you can buy for real money that makes you more powerful than anyone else. you can unlock champions early, you can reach max level earlier, and so on, but if you decide to spend 0 cash you will still get all that eventually.

yet, people are impatient, want to be the best ASAP and don't mind paying up.
aenemic said:
yet, people are impatient, want to be the best ASAP and don't mind paying up.

They gotta make money somehow, so I dunno why people bitch. This seems like a good system to me, especially for people that don't have 8-16 hours a day to grind up the levels.
I've played up to level 7. It's fun so far. There are servers specifically for low level players, but even playing on normal servers is fun. Good tactics seem much more important than gear - use iron sights and limit your visibility like almost any other FPS.
Makagulfazel said:
aenemic said:
yet, people are impatient, want to be the best ASAP and don't mind paying up.

They gotta make money somehow, so I dunno why people bitch. This seems like a good system to me, especially for people that don't have 8-16 hours a day to grind up the levels.
I've played up to level 7. It's fun so far. There are servers specifically for low level players, but even playing on normal servers is fun. Good tactics seem much more important than gear - use iron sights and limit your visibility like almost any other FPS.

yeah, that's kind of my point. he asked how the companies make money, and I meant to say that they will still make money even if money can't buy you more than you can get for free. it's a good system that works, in my opinion. I too despise being able to pay to be better, but if impatient people want to buy stuff that they could otherwise get for free with a bit of effort, then that's their prerogative.

back on topic, the game looks interesting. I'd never pay to play CoD or something similar online, but I enjoy the gameplay every now and then. might check this out since it's free.
Oops, meant that as an agreement to your quote.
I personally wouldn't have tried it if it wasn't free, but now I'm thinking about kicking a few bucks to them for their seemingly fair and polished game.