Blade Runner Game on Vista x 64


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I'm planning on playing Blade runner, but apparently there is a problem with the shooting range part of the game on modern computers.
I can't remember if getting a high score in the shooting range was mandatory to progress the game?
I don't recall the shooting range being mandatory. Or particularly entertaining, for that matter. Feel free to skip it.
They made a Blade Runner game? And here I am pretending other games are Blade Runner.
God I loved this game. Even if I only assisted my brother who was the one actualy playing the game, I loved the way it conveyed and expanded the mood and atmosphere of the movie... I loved going on the balcony and listening to the Vangelis score... Aaah, good teenage memories ! :)
Ratty said:
I don't recall the shooting range being mandatory. Or particularly entertaining, for that matter. Feel free to skip it.
Me neither, and it takes a good 15 minutes or so to complete IIRC. I think the one time I actually did get the "high score" the chick with the shades came back and beat it anyway.

The game is great, but that portion is highly skippable.