Blue Velvet – Fallout 1 into Fallout 2

Heh, i find it a bit weird.
Deep inside the cave is one thing but near the entrance is just a bit weird.
IIt´s probably the perspectiv to see the whöle cave at all..?
It is possible to get it darker inside the cave?
.Pixote. said:
the mod is finished
Great job!

.Pixote. said:
Any volunteers willing help change the lighting in the scripts.
Josan12 already provided me with some new lighting values for all the maps (caves, facilities, vaults, etc). Underground areas will now be darker in the RP. Torches, lamps, flares, etc now play a bigger part.
Will you be uploading the FRMs, Pixote? Very interesting maps could be made this way (if you know how to handle the old beast).
I realize you’re a very busy man Killap that’s why I haven’t hinted for your assistance (did I just hint), but surely some bright spark can lend a hand here, or just write a tutorial for me to follow…but understand I’m slightly retarded when it comes to numbers + scripts. :freak:

@ Killap in regards to the new lighting for RP, can you pass me the scripts before the release of RP 2.1, I might need to make some lighting adjustments to get the best out of the maps. PM me if you prefer.

One final image - The Blue Military Base. This place has the largest amount of rusting vault walls, so this is probably the most contentious location, but from what I see it’s not too bad, of course with reduced light it would be even better. So if this blue stuff makes you unhappy walk away.

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Here before you is the Fallout 2 Blue Cave Mod. This mod will alter the appearance of the cave walls, tiles and certain rocks, etc, as to appear like Fallout 1. This is designed to be used with Killaps unofficial Fallout 2 patch (1.02.26b) and cannot be used with Fallout 2 Restoration Project (repeat cannot be used with RP) – it could but would look like shit and the game might crash.

Before you copy the data folder into your Fallout 2 directory make a back up of the original data/maps folder, just in case you wish to remove the blue cave mod later. The new blue scenery artworks have filled certain “unused” Fallout 2 art slots, so there shouldn’t be any issues there, but if you wish to return to the original Fallout 2 state delete the data /art folder. The text folder includes new scenery descriptions, and will have no effect on the normal game, the same for the new proto files.

*So copy the data folder into the Fallout 2 directory - that’s it...enjoy. For any problems just leave a message on the thread. As an added bonus many of the smaller maps have been boxed in a black field to remove the shitty broken edge look.

Fallout 2 Blue Cave Mod


Edit: I might be able to use the scripts from RP on the random cave maps to darken them. Yes the caves are now much darker in RP than what you find in the original Fallout 2 game, and all the more better IMO.
Thank you .Pixote, very good work delivered as always. I like the blue-ish caves much more.

Now, someone just has to remove all these silly pop culture references in FO2 and implement the "dot drawing" when moving on worldmap and FO2 would be a good game for me. :)
Surf Solar said:
Thank you .Pixote, very good work delivered as always. I like the blue-ish caves much more.

Now, someone just has to remove all these silly pop culture references in FO2 and implement the "dot drawing" when moving on worldmap and FO2 would be a good game for me. :)


As for the removing, not only the references, but also the weird FO2-only critters as well (vic, myron, ncr cop, new reno boxers and casino bouncers, etc, etc), as well as remaking arroyo, dropping a nuke on san fran, getting rid of half of new reno sillyness and so on and so on... :shrug:
Yeah. Then we move on Fallout 3.

After this, I hope we skip Fallout: New Vegas and move on Fallout 4.
The blue caves with the darker light setting. (As found in RP 2.1). It’s much better IMO.:wink:

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I`ve been playing a few hours with the blue caves and I really like it, Thank you .Pixote.

Also, did I understand from your comment that the blue caves mod will be part of the next version for RP? Because that would be great, in my opinion.
Travesty said:
Did I understand from your comment that the blue caves mod will be part of the next version for RP? Because that would be great, in my opinion.

It’s not impossible for me to fix it for the RP, but I will need to work on many of the maps, and hand place the various blue rocks (the walls and tiles are not the problem – they are simply replacing the brown ones), but the rocks are another story. Darek described another method, but even that method would require me to do a lot of work. So maybe one day, but I’m tied down with other projects right now. :wink:
What are people's thoughts on the reverse? Using the grey cave tileset from Fallout 2, in a Fallout 1 mod?
twojstary said:
Just a general observation here, but Earth is naturally brown, not blue.

Carry on. :)
lol. Yeah that's kind of my thoughts on this as well ;)