Bon voyage!

Briosafreak is leaving? I don't believe it. Damn, this is bad news. Well, whatever you're up to, Brios, good luck and don't forget about us. These boards won't be the same without you. Please come back soon. :(
So Long And Thanks For All The Fish ... ing

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish ... ing

I want to thank Briosa and all the rest at NMA and DAC for the coverage of the Fallout Saga.

The opera of the screen play of the book of the judicial proceedings of the court of public opinion may not be too Wagnerian, but, the epic adventure lives on, post ''the fat lady'' aria amid the burning stage scenery. 'Sturm und drang' hot enough to grill the brot's, and I'play's 'heart of darkness' cold enough to chill any beer this side of purgitory,
(that in Nevada?).

Speaking of beer .....

Academic brinksmanship? How fittingly apocalyptic!
4too survived "the beer wars" of the '70's with a serendipitous
synapesial network and a "Gentleman's C" in the humanities.
Trust you'll do betta'.

Take care Briosa. You've done a great job here and I'm sure you'll do an equally great job sorting out whatever it is.
Love Ya' Briosa.... Come back when you have your life sorted out, everyone will welcome you with open arms.
Late reply, but... see ya around Brios.

Megatron said:
I think DAC and NMA would like to thank you to 4too, you're very...

Yea, I'll second that. Power to 4too.
Arr, so the legend has left.

Of course I knew that right when it happened, but I didn't know that you guys had a thread about it.

Briosa, NMA won't be the same without you. Thanks for all the long hard hours of investigation that you put into FO3 and its demise.

Come back, but not until you're ready again.
Sadness. Briosafreak, you did a lot of stuff for the news here. Really good stuff too. Thanks Brios, I hope you come back.....