Book of Eli PA movie trailer

lol, there's definitely a bit of a Fallout 3 vibe with this movie, and I guess Denzel Washington used VATS to do that crazy sword attack. Regardless of how it turns out, I'll still be watching it just for Gary Oldman alone, he always plays the best villains. :twisted:
Gary Whitta wrote a movie?? Ha, good for him. I loved that guy when he was with PC Gamer. That used to be a great magazine.
I like Denzel Washington. He's got range. I hope he continues to try different roles in this movie by playing a stern and righteous natural leader who allows himself to be corrupted as a self-sacrifice for the greater good. It's great to see him test himself.

Hopefully the action scenes in this are as lulzy as his fight scene in the Bone Smuggler.
Oh dear... In what connection have I heard the "You cant judge it on the trailer/preview" argument before? Hmmm...

Per said:
Yeah, we kind of newsposted it.

Kind of figured people would have had heard of it. I searched for the title and didn't find any threads so I figured I'd make sure.

Usually Denzel doesn't miss. The Hughes bros are kind of interesting. I liked "Menace to Society" and "From Hell". But they really haven't done much since then.
Looks cool except for the odd looking fight. Is it me or did Denzel look too relaxed and uninterested in that scene?
maximaz said:
Looks cool except for the odd looking fight. Is it me or did Denzel look too relaxed and uninterested in that scene?

I've noticed he always looks like that in most movies he's in...