I like the idea but I have to say anyone who's ever played Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights, etc, can be just a little wary of books. I liked the Books initially but by and large all they did was copy, in some cases word-for-word, from the Forgotten Realms Sourcebooks. And I've read most of those. The stuff in Fallout should be interesting, and have a LOT of variety, because it was so funny in the wrong sort of way to find a zillion copies of the same book in a pre-printing-press society. Books were the ONLY Filler items in those games, I think, which made them pretty lame.
That aside I like the idea; it would be neat to look into a Cat's Paw and see some "Risque" pictures... (topless chicks was the extent of 50s "porn" but it would be a laugh to see hardcore presented in the 50s fashion, because, after all, it's an alternate universe and just looks like the 50s; from what we read in the first two games, real porn existed Then Again to have some hardcore just for one joke would probably garner an "AO" rating so better stick to the topless chicks 8) ).
Also with the books you benefit from, you could have each one be unique, because it's pretty silly to have them disappear after being "used" and then you have to find another copy of the same manual to read the same thing again and you learn more... But rather you should find several different manuals for more skills; I can see books like Grey's Anatomy building Doctor skills, and books about casino games helping the Gambling skill, and military gunner's manuals to help with Big Guns or such. It wouldn't be too hard to make almost every book unique, especially if the "Consumable" manuals don't need filler text beyond a back-cover description.
For Example:
You See:
Rockwell BigBazooka Manual
This is the Government user's manual for a Rockwell BigBazooka Rocket Laungher. It contains the directions for use as well as safety tips (2b: Never look down the launch tube when a rocket has failed to fire!) and directions for maintenance and care of the laucnher and ammunition.
You See:
U.S. Army Survival Manual
This well-worn volume contains information about surviving in every concievable climate and in all conditions. It also details first aid, field-expeint weapons, psychological survival, trapping, tracking, hunting game animals, and edible plants. You doubt the info on the latter two takes into account huge, hostile radiation mutant varieties, though.
You See:
The Card Shark's Guide to POKER!
A funny-smelling green book with a coffee ring on the cover, this book details all sorts of strategies for a variety of poker games. It includes full-color photographs and a section on strip poker. Sure to turn a loser into a card shark ready to take the house for everything they've got! Or at least make him think so.