Brady's Av==Emo? (split from: Power Armour)

I never said it was metal. It's a hypothetical.

Though I suppose it would be even more metal if she had white facepaint with huge black circles around her eyes, and shit like that.
But then again, if you have a look at teh black metal scene,
pandas are very metal, Bradylama is right at this point. :P
EyeMaster7 said:
SuAside said:
Silencer said:
SuAside said:
Gruug said:
Suffer = Kharn
There is no Kharn. Only Suffer.
From this Kharn has suffered, and quite soon,will suffer more.

Yay, I made a temple. :twisted:

MurkyShadow said:
But then again, if you have a look at teh black metal scene, pandas are very metal
Well maybe ala Español or Português, but not with English.
Bradylama said:
In any case, I've always found it best to mix up aesthetics, so I tend to go with what strikes my fancy at the time.

I thought maybe Gurochan might have had something tasteful enough to use as an av/sig, so it came down to this or an angel in a straight jacket with a bloodied Silent Hill mouth.
You wouldn't be able to use anything from there.

I fucking love that site though.