Breaking Bad

They just opened shooting, and the shooting lasted all of what, 10 seconds if played out in real time?

You must have known that once Hank hung up the phone, he was going to die. And the opening to Ozymandias was FAR better off for it.
I don't get the hate for Gus Fring's death. Technically you can be alive for a bunch of seconds in those conditions.
George32027 said:
I don't get the hate for Gus Fring's death. Technically you can be alive for a bunch of seconds in those conditions.

Maybe, if you weren't so near the explosion.

He was at a "point blank"range, which would basically destroy his inner organs because he was unprotected (the blast blew the door of the room IIRC - a blast of that strength would turns one's insides into a pudding), and on top of it all, is able to walk several feat, seemingly proceeding with his normal behavior, even though he is missing half the face and is heavily burned.

It is just over the top.
Sicblades said:
They just opened shooting, and the shooting lasted all of what, 10 seconds if played out in real time?

You must have known that once Hank hung up the phone, he was going to die. And the opening to Ozymandias was FAR better off for it.
Longer than 10 seconds, I bet. And I knew Hank was going to die as soon as Walt called Todd's uncle. Or at least I was 90% sure. When Hank called Marie I was 100% sure. They actually could have left out the shootout completely and not lost anything.

Still, it's just one small part of the show, and ultimately not all that significant in light of how good the follow-up was.
Atomkilla said:
Maybe, if you weren't so near the explosion.

He was at a "point blank"range, which would basically destroy his inner organs because he was unprotected (the blast blew the door of the room IIRC - a blast of that strength would turns one's insides into a pudding), and on top of it all, is able to walk several feat, seemingly proceeding with his normal behavior, even though he is missing half the face and is heavily burned.

It is just over the top.

Ok, first: don't forget it's a tv show, so it's pretty normal to have border line situations. That said we don't know exactly how close he was to the explosion (we don't see the exact moment so he could have been very close to the door). I honestly think it was a great moment for television, easily one of the best moments of BB.
George32027 said:
Atomkilla said:
Maybe, if you weren't so near the explosion.

He was at a "point blank"range, which would basically destroy his inner organs because he was unprotected (the blast blew the door of the room IIRC - a blast of that strength would turns one's insides into a pudding), and on top of it all, is able to walk several feat, seemingly proceeding with his normal behavior, even though he is missing half the face and is heavily burned.

It is just over the top.

Ok, first: don't forget it's a tv show, so it's pretty normal to have border line situations. That said we don't know exactly how close he was to the explosion (we don't see the exact moment so he could have been very close to the door). I honestly think it was a great moment for television, easily one of the best moments of BB.

It may be a TV show, but let's not forget that while it did have some hyperbole moments, none of them went into the realm of pure nonsense, as this one did. I felt it was done more for the sake of it looking cool, rather than having any actual purpose to serve the show in any justifiable way.
They could've easily shown Fring's corpse on the ground, without half his face, or if they wanted to push the borders, show him taking his last breaths. There's no way he could be up and walking like that.

I may seem really butthurt about this, but trust me, I am not - I still enjoyed that episode and still love the show.
However, I did find that moment disappointing and a flaw in a, generally, excellent series. It's the single most prominent moment in BB when the directors chose to purely go with the "rule of cool", and that is something which I do not like.
Atomkilla said:
...when the directors chose to purely go with the "rule of cool", and that is something which I do not like.
At least there was no slow-motion shot of someone yelling, "Noooooo!"
Latest episode felt like a good set-up for the finale.

[spoiler:936e7647ba]I feel it is fitting that his last enemy is a bunch of Nazi dirtbags because that's the level he has sunk to (outside of living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere). That Gray Matter interview was so bittersweet to watch cause it reminded Walt how his Heisenberg legacy is all that is left.[/spoiler:936e7647ba]

Btw, Breaking Bad has finally won the Emmy for best drama. Cheers.
I have a feeling that this is the first time in the series that I've heard a Breaking Bad Main Theme in a long version...weird...

Otherwise, great episode.
So intense.

As for his last enemy though, I dunno if I feel it's so fitting. But what choice did they have? Everyone else is dead.

Reminds me of the Long Good Friday
Harold: Who's having a go at me? Can you think of anyone who might have an old score to settle or something?
Razors: Who's big enough to take you on?
Harold: Well, there were a few.
Razors: Like who?
Harold: Yeah, they're all dead.
Very nice and unusual episode, for at least a couple of reasons.

It's the first time we listen to the main theme in a long version aaand the first time we see *months* passing during an episode.

And what about Walt Jr.? The father-son relationship has always been the same over the 5 seasons. Until the last episode, pretty harsh things by Jr...

Can't wait for the finale! Aaand I'm sad at the same time. I don't think there is any way this is going to end well for Walt. Of course there is no chance he'll have a family again.

Do you think Saul will make an appereance in the last episode too?
I hate what they are doing to Jesse. I feel like I really want to see Walt to kick some ass, but then again, he would never do it for people like Jesse. It's always just himself and the stupid money.

Walt is really very intelligent, but in the same time he is so full of himself, that he doesn't recognize what huge asshat he is.
Brother None said:
As for his last enemy though, I dunno if I feel it's so fitting. But what choice did they have? Everyone else is dead..

I agree with this.
Not that Jack and his crew are bad characters, but they seem a bit too much on the "stereotypical bad guy" side. Todd himself is fine, but in reality, every single character that stood on Walt's path so far (and there are plenty) have been more interesting than the White Power gang.
But as Wastewander said, it's somewhat fitting, seeing to what depths Walt has fallen.

And I guess we (or at least I) got a bit spoiled after all those badass baddies. A bunch of Heil Hitler douchebags don't really cut it for me, but we'll see how it goes.

As for Jesse, with each episode I feel more sorry for him. Walt has been destroying him throughout the series while trying to be a father figure at the same time. But after these last few episodes... It's just brutal.

I don't think Saul is coming back. But he'll get that prequel film/series/whatever.

I'm really looking forward to the last episode.

Do you think it will be a bit longer that the standard 45 minute format? Long like a Pilot, or even longer?
it's already been said that it's gonna be around 53 minutes, just like Granite State. 75 minutes including commercials.

It's better gonna be very well written or IT WILL be disappointing. So many loose ends...

My guess: Jesse is gonna live, rescued by Walt. Walt is gonna die. Probably after killing the nazis. Probably by gun wounds and ricin.
Walt wakes up in bed in his old house and realizes the last ten years were a dream. He doesn't have cancer, but he's still a high school chemistry teacher and Jesse Pinkman is still one of his students.
Man, an "it was all a dream" ending is not a happy ending. That would cause mass riots in its terribleness.
"It was all a dream" would be the cheapest way for a director to give a middle finger to the audience...aside from, like, really giving a finger.

Besides, has anyone ever had a dream that spans over a period of several months/years? I'm referring to normal sleep here.
I wasn't referring to the ''dream'' part, just the desire for an happy ending. Impossible since the recent events.

@atomkilla nope, as far as I remember