Breaking News: Idiot Whines About Being Fat to Doctor

Come on Eyemaster... We all have at least 1 fat skeleton in our closets... i have 2 fat's a a hippy chick (all natural) in mine.

Nothing to be ashamed of... sometimes we have to take one for the team. It's what being a good buddy is all about, convincing the hot chick and her pet cow that neither of you care that she's easily 3 times your weight.

That...makes me so...mad.

Ok an explanation is in order.

Its bad enough these people hurt themselves with their harmful activities making society worse one person at a time, but to hurt others and claim it as a "incurable" disease? What I'm referring to is the fact that people can claim being overweight as an excuse for not working or for being in bad health.

Now I can understand if the behavior taken part in soothes somewhat. Taking drugs is bad for your body, but it releives stress...thats good. Being overweight...ok so the food tastes good, but it ruins your body. However doesnt that make them on equal footing? Yes is it does, but we have the evils of drugs displayed to us constantly...who complains about the addiction that is fast food and candy? Did you know that fast food company's have ingrediants that the FDA has proven serve no nutritional purpose except that they stimulate the area of the brain in a way that creates dependancy?

...and since the majority of American's are fat and they say this is a Christian nation then where is the shame in such gluttony? I am disgusted...

I have a confession. I maintained decent body wait up until my senior year at high school. I was 180 pounds and 5'11". My last year of high school I didnt have to take physical education and I started quickly gaining weight. By the second semester of college I was 235 pounds...I didnt look the same by comparison to myself less than two years ago. Fortunately I got a job doing physical labor for 32 hours a week...that and only eating two meals a day instead of three and not eating any form of junk food caused me to go to 190 in one year. Since then though I am now a cashier and dont get exercise at work I exercise at home an hour every other day and still only eat two meals a day. I weigh 180 now.

I still feel a bit ashamed when I hear the Muslims fast so as to reconcile with the poor who cant eat and know the pain they are burdened with thus showing God they are compassionate and also that they learn to help them by realising how easy life is and they can give without really losing quality of life.

The Vault Dweller


Thanks DirtyDreamDesigner. Those jokes were hilarious!
What's weird is drugs would seem worse if you asked someone but really eating junk food like mcdonalds and crap can kill you, but drugs can only kill you if you are an idiot. obesity has become too much of a crisis in america especially with people who say "aagh I don't know how I got so fat..." when THEY WERE THERE!! man.. and I have never done it with a fat chick
When I heard the report of the percentage of fat (which seems they are wrong or off, or whatever from the linky, the radio station played this comedian's skit. About how he got fat because he was doing a service.

"Mom told me to clean my plate, cause there were starving people all over the world. So I cleaned my plate 5 or 6 times a day. Only, I noticed I was getting fatter, and the starving people were still starving." quite funny.

Yeah. Fat people should really realize what's going on beforehand. I have fluctuated between 150 and 200 for about 5 or so years now (on the losing weight side again). But I'm not really THAT overweight. Technically, I'm heavily overweight, but I'm more like an average guy I guess?

In any case, people in the US are lazy. And they don't stick to diets. (Diet = a way of eating, not a way of losing weight). I'm wondering when the "wide coffin" manufacturing will make a huge boom.
What's weird is drugs would seem worse if you asked someone but really eating junk food like mcdonalds and crap can kill you, but drugs can only kill you if you are an idiot.

"Responsible Drug Usage" doesn't account for unseen variables. Sort of like how health nuts still get cancer.

People don't like drugs because they fear their performance and personality-affecting attributes. In a non-labor intensive society, being fat isn't debilitating, but it is no longer attractive, so it's still better than being a coke fiend.

Of course, being fat does affect your personality. Fat dudes have a hard time distributing testosterone (and I believe produce more estrogen, not sure) which makes them effete and whiny. Expect Emo to last a while, and the next generation to have small dicks.

Of course, as a fellow fatty boom batty, I can somewhat sympathize. Being told that there's something wrong with you which is entirely your fault, is never easy to accept. I could be bleeding from my anus and not want to go to the doctor because I know he'll tell me I'm fat.

That doesn't mean that it's either wise, nor correct to complain over a proffessional opinion. That is of course, unless it wasn't very professional, as mentioned before. I suspect that the nature of the lawsuit is precisely why the "Good Doctor" apologized. He didn't seem very repentative in his other statements.
I guess this whole thing isn't over until the fat lady sings :look:
You want to hear something ironic? As I am typing this message the banner advertises junk food, Wendy's or something "Do what tastes right"
I can remember a certain thread about some fat woman who had to be surgically separated from her couch after she was extracted from her home through a hole made in the wall... So maybe that guy told her she was fat in the wrong way and hurt her feelings but he apologized. Plus someone had to break it to her: lady you are huge and you are going to kick the bucket if you don't lose weight! It's not nice but neither is the world, or death for that matter.
hmm strange there is almost in a weird way not many differences between drugs and being too fat. Both change you're personality and attitude in one way or another both are rather addicting whether it be in you're head or not. both can end up killing you. except for two things. drugs are expensive and illegal... but yes it was true about the americans being lazy. we are extremely lazy..but for some reason we won't leave other counties alone :? I do wonder if it was a professional opinion or just some guy getting impatient with this lady. Both most likely.
Bradylama said:
People don't like drugs because they fear their performance and personality-affecting attributes.

Or maybe... they don't like them because they are illegal?
They wouldn't be illegal in the first place if people didn't like them. Although the initial causes behind their prohibition are multiple, and most not counting genuine concerns over their physical and psychological effects.

The thing is that people would fear narcotics and such regardless of whether or not they were legal, because they all buy into the anti-drug propaganda.

People don't just dislike something simply because it's illegal. There has to be a rationale for it.
Thing is, we really don't know what he said.

I mean it could have been,

PERSON 1- "You realize that that your obesity has detrimental affects on your body, increasing your likelihood of diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. If you don't reduce your fat, you will probably die of these illnesses."


PERSON 2- "Damn! I mean Holy Shit! That fat ass is going to make you one dead, bitch, in the very near future! And when you die, you going to crack a fart that'll blow a hole through a door. Damn, you worse that Oprah fat. Jeezus, but you must weigh, what 600, 700 lbs. I bet you know the dollar menu at Wendy's, McDonald's and Burger King by heart. Do you have to pay double at the Buffet? I bet you need an oxygen mask when you walk up to the check out counter at Taco Bell. Jeezus but you've got to have the fatest ass I've ever seen. Do you even have a car seat? Do you need to buy two plane tickets or three so they can carry your fat ass? How many twinkies do you think it took to give you that round bulge?" Etc.

So yeah, there is honesty, and there is too much honesty.

Something like this happened to me last year. I graded a girl's paper pretty harshly because it made no fucking sense. The grammar wasn't just horrible, it was 6th grade. Worse, her ideas made no sense and had no structure. I was really amazed that he had made it into college.

My comments on her paper were tough, but I had written harsher (I have told students that their paper was worth three flushes of a toilet). So yes, I am harsh. But my comments were pretty mild. I had simply written that the work was poor and not nearly college level and she would need to do some serious work on it- all true.

I hear nothing about this, but apparently she gets all self-conscious and tells her parents, her parents tell her high school counselor (this chick whose mission is to get kids into college regardless of whether they have the qualities) and then this woman starts making the rounds, calling all sorts of people about these comments. I think I was the last person to find out about this.

So I go back and look at the comments and realize they aren't so harsh and are pretty honest. I ask her about it, she agrees- the paper really is crap.

And then this chick tries to get in my class the next term.

But that's the deal- you do stuff that serves an audience, you also have to take the risk that sooner-or-later you will have to deal with someone who is a bit more sensitive than the rest. That person can't take criticism well, and after getting slapped around a bit will go somewhere and cry and moan and bitch. The worse part is, its not you that's being unusually harsh, but the person who is unusually sensitive.

That said, do you want a medical profession of people who are like person 2?
Ok, so nr. is acting like Buddy Love on steroids and that is not nice at all and if his right to practice is suspended or withdrawn for good it's only because he had it coming to him. On the other hand it is highly unlikely to meet a nr. 2 in real life (unless you try the hospitals over here where that would be treating you nice :roll: ).
I tend to belive that even if the good doctor was in someway sarcastic or presented the matter at hand in way that was viewed by the patient as offensive he did it because a more subtle approach failed. In other words maybe he had to be a bi more blunt to get the point across. But that's assuming which could in the end make an ass out of me :P .
IMO when one has a problem/condition that draws upon him rude remarks and other such unfrienly or derogatory comments one should try to do something about that condition, provided he can help it. bitching and moaning will not help solve the problem or help in getting back the self respect and confidence that was lost. Of course this would be the ideal course of action; but alas the world is far from ideal.
speaking of ideals and sticking to our subject: Don't you think it i rather interesting that our society has this schizoid? On one hand we have all the messages that tell us to consume, indulge ourselves, eat our fill and then some; if it tastes/feels so good how could it be wrong? On the other hand one is expected to maintain a certain figure, slim, athletic, be beautiful! This means one has to think of one's image first and then of one's cravings. With such contradictory messages no wonder we are all a bit insane! :look:
It's like ordering a large menu of McDonalds but with a diet coke.
welsh said:
.... Damn, you worse that Oprah fat. Jeezus , but you must weigh, what 600, 700 lbs. ...

It's Jebus not Jeezus.

I'd rather have the #2 doctor, because at that point she's probably blaming someone or something else for her being fat..."it's not my fault it's (insert crap here) 's fault , (and then more explanations)"

My entire family are OBESE; aunts, uncles, cousins, my parents are smaller but still big, yet no-one is under 250 for the men and 180 for the women.

I'm the freak, i weight 185 lbs @ about 15% bodyfat, why? because i work out, i eat well and i don't blame genetics, i know that if i don't work out i'll be at 250 within a year. I could easily sit on my ever growing ass and just say "it not my fault, it's my gene's fault, just look at my family, they're all fat!"

Take responsibility for your actions. No-one force feed anybody, it's all a matter of taking your life into your own hands.

What a disappointment you must be for your family UJ. Do the right thing and don't come back until your nick is approprietly changed to Fat John.
Bradylama said:
Of course, being fat does affect your personality. Fat dudes have a hard time distributing testosterone (and I believe produce more estrogen, not sure) which makes them effete and whiny. Expect Emo to last a while, and the next generation to have small dicks.

New signature! Thanks Bradylama.

The Vault Dweller