Breasts and Dirty Words


I think the non-americans here might be thinking that the Janet Jackson's bare busom crisis might be unusual. What do you think. Should rules on nudity and offensive language be tougher or more tolerant?
welsh said:
I think the non-americans here might be thinking that the Janet Jackson's bare busom crisis might be unusual.

Extremely unusual. Why all the fuss? Are the Americans really that conservative? It makes me think that the whole idea I have about America is way off.
welsh said:
I think the non-americans here might be thinking that the Janet Jackson's bare busom crisis might be unusual. What do you think. Should rules on nudity and offensive language be tougher or more tolerant?

American rules? European rules?

There was a brilliant article in the Volkskrant about the Janet Jackson's bare busom crisis ("Nipplegate", right?), which cracked down pretty hard on the European snobby attitude.

Basically it stated that we have no right to judge the Americans by our standards, anymore than you have the right to judge us by your standards.

I personally feel that the US's attitude towards sex is a natural development from the history of attitudes towards sex through the previous centuries, but at the same time I think it's unhealthy, and really prevents normal interaction about sex and, more importantly, information about sex.
Yes, actually we are pretty conservative. I mean, when I was in Europe, age 14, in the summer and I saw all their bare busoms sunnying themselves on the shores of Lake Geneva I thought, "Heaven!"
Karkow said:
welsh said:
I think the non-americans here might be thinking that the Janet Jackson's bare busom crisis might be unusual.

Extremely unusual. Why all the fuss? Are the Americans really that conservative? It makes me think that the whole idea I have about America is way off.

The US is a pretty big country. To think *all* of them are conservative enough to get worked up about Nipplegate would be a mistake. I'm guessing a lot of the bigger cities would shock some Europeans in their loose morals.

I think banning breasts from the TV is just plain dumb. Everyone has seen a breast and sucked on it in his lifetime, even the most orthodox religious freaks.
Stupid Puritans! If it wasn't for them and their stodgy attitude's about sexuality we could see Janet's breasts as often as we want! I guess that's what you get from a country whose cultural imperatives were set by a bunch of religious fanatics. And to think they were escaping all you hedonistic Europeans...seems like the censor-nazis are still trying to get away from you.

On the other hand you could argue that American values are based off of what was needed to survive back in indian times. I believe that desperate times often lead to a combination of fanaticism and pragmatism whose purpose is to respond to the outside threats. Maybe the threats to the puritans in this new land made them feel that they had to accept violence (against the indians) while repressing individual liberty (sexuality) in order to survive. This seems to me to partly explain why American culture has such fucked up values to the European eye.

Murdoch said:

It's the Quakers' fault. Them and the whole state of Pennsylvania. What a bunch of ninnies. Only California and New York are cool. We know what's going on.

Seriously though, I really do think it is the Midwest that is doing this. I think it had something to do with the auto manufacturing and steel industry out there. And coal. Yum, coal. That's as best I can figure.

It's pretty much the entire area except for Illinois.

Oh yeah, I forgot, and Texas.
Personally, i would like to see completely un-edited television. It sucks to watch movies that are butchered by censorship. However i can understand how much children watch television and if i had a young child i wouldn't want them to see nudity/sex/gratuitus violence at such a young age (not that the superbowl was such a big peep show). I think we need to come up with a happy medium.
Karkow said:
welsh said:
I think the non-americans here might be thinking that the Janet Jackson's bare busom crisis might be unusual.

Extremely unusual. Why all the fuss? Are the Americans really that conservative? It makes me think that the whole idea I have about America is way off.

It`s politics, they have prude seasons and more relaxed seasons, they are in a prudish far-right christian fundamentalist one. It'll pass. Still it's funny the way they handle these issues, remember when the SIC Radical channel from Portugal tried to buy the tv version of the Howard Stern show with uncensored boobs, genitalia and swearing and the producers refused because that wasn't proper? I mean, it was the freaking Howard Stern show, it could never be called "proper". :D
Murdoch said:
If it wasn't for them and their stodgy attitude's about sexuality we could see Janet's breasts as often as we want!


By "as often as we want" you mean "never", right

Those're some ugly titties
Kharn said:
Murdoch said:
If it wasn't for them and their stodgy attitude's about sexuality we could see Janet's breasts as often as we want!


By "as often as we want" you mean "never", right

Those're some ugly titties

Hey, if you don't want to see them don't look! Let me clarify: All I'm saying is that you can see them if you want to, and no one can deny you that. Except of course Janet herself but anyway.
Wooz69 said:

I think banning breasts from the TV is just plain dumb. Everyone has seen a breast and sucked on it in his lifetime, even the most orthodox religious freaks.

That killed me!
Seriously! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, I agree, that all the fuss is pure donkey crap. For example, let me put things the othe way round. Here, in Bulgaria (get a globe for Christ's sake!) foreigners come so that they can walk nude on beaches. That just kills me. In some places only Europeans get nude and not bulgarians.

Another thing:
Remember the game : Giants: Citizen Kabuto. So, in USA the naked chick had to be dressed and the bloodshed was intact. And in Germany you could watch all you want her naked body but the blood was green. Different countries, different ideals! 8)
Perhaps being naked is morally better than killing something? How Bizarro.

I don't really care. You want to shelter your kid all it's life, lock it in your dungeon and send a shrouded gimp to serve it porridge. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

It's stupid though. If he pushed her over and she smashed her face onto the stage, they'd have kept rolling.
Hey, lets leave Pennsylvania out of this...all of this stupid conservatism comes from religious groups and media sensationalism.
So, you Americans are dirty little jungle monkeys, showing ugly Minnie Jacko's wrinkled tittie on the telly! Pooh-pooh-pooh! Shame on you! :oops:

Who cares anyway? Lotsa titties on the telly overhere. Titties and big titties. Big ones. :lol:
American prudes have weird attitudes regarding sexuality. How is better to show graphic violence (not that I care about that, I am all for gore) than showing sexuality? Kids shouldn't be pampered and shielded from the real world and suddenly have them realize at age 16+ that the world is shit.
Hehe think about it... if i'd met a 14 year old, who had never seen titis, nor has heard any swear words... jeeezes what a nerd this would be... think of that.
I'm american, and every single person I've talked to about this thinks nipplegate is about the dumbest thing they've seen.
this is the kind of thing that embarrasses me to be american.
unfortunately, the fcc and a large part of our government is made up of bottlefed virgins w/o internet access.

fyi - the day after that happened, every single damn station was talking about it and there wasn't a word about the game (superbowl - pretty big game).
our local paper printed a giant blown up pic of the breast in case anybody missed it.

I say fuck all that --- somebody post some nipples!!!!
(I'm too lazy)