Brian Mitsoda announces DoubleBear, Zombie RPG

Because that's what important, right?

Mad Max RW said:
Way to go announcing a game without a single screenshot to back it up.
Most games are announced without a single screenshot "to back it up". Dragon Age, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Divinity 2, Alpha Protocol, canceled Aliens, and quite a few other games were announced without screenshots and it took a long time for the first screens to materialize.

For example, Dragon Age was announced in May 2004. First screens were posted in July 2008.
Hate zombies, wish they (along with vampires) would go away. But, whatever floats your boat I suppose.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Hate zombies, wish they (along with vampires) would go away. But, whatever floats your boat I suppose.
I like any RPG if done well. And I appreciate the fact that we are seeing more variety than the typical D&D settings.
Quaid said:
And I appreciate the fact that we are seeing more variety than the typical D&D settings.
So exchange one overly done concept with another?

If its done well and is a good game, then thats great, but I don't see myself in the future playing a zombie game, no matter what the genre, that's all.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Quaid said:
And I appreciate the fact that we are seeing more variety than the typical D&D settings.
So exchange one overly done concept with another?

If its done well and is a good game, then thats great, but I don't see myself in the future playing a zombie game, no matter what the genre, that's all.
If you mean 'overly done' in the sense of books and movies, then I understand. But the only good RPG I've played with a focus on Vampires is Vampire: Bloodlines, and the only good one focused on Zombies is Planescape: Torment (and it is a stretch to say 'zombies'). I would also say System Shock 2 but some will argue it isn't an RPG in the classic sense.

Personally I'd like to see an excellent Star Trek RPG (like the SSI Buck Rogers from back in the day) but built on a more advanced Fallout 1 engine.
smart zombie media a-la original Dawn of the Dead isn't overdone. what's overdone is the raping of the genre for a quick buck. these guys sound like they have their heads and hearts in the right place. i'm quite a huge fan of the Walking Dead, George Romero style...and feel that even mentioning Children of Men is very promising.

the only thing concerning me though...and sorry Iron Tower guys...but their engine looks like it came out in the late 90's. not that graphics are too important to me in the light of a great cRPG, but even Fallout felt more natural to me than the way their graphics look. just seems jack-legged and clunky.

...................don't do running zombies please.

...or ones who wield guns or spew acidic slime.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Hate zombies, wish they (along with vampires) would go away. But, whatever floats your boat I suppose.

Hated vampires too, but Bloodlines taught me to love them and True Blood solidified it.Zombies I like, I enjoyed 28 Days later or Dawn of the Dead.
Meh said:
...or ones who wield guns or spew acidic slime.
I don't mind the acid puke thing, since it was actually a pretty dangerous attack if you encountered a group of 5+ zombies in Resident Evil 3. Talking about that game, I would hate it if they introduced super zombies like Nemesis or those monsters from L4D.
Oh yes! please don't screw this up! I'd love to see a good concept for once actually turn in to a good game instead of these perpetual disappointments that is the majority of the modern game industry.
VDweller said:
Because that's what important, right?

Mad Max RW said:
Way to go announcing a game without a single screenshot to back it up.
Most games are announced without a single screenshot "to back it up". Dragon Age, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Divinity 2, Alpha Protocol, canceled Aliens, and quite a few other games were announced without screenshots and it took a long time for the first screens to materialize.

For example, Dragon Age was announced in May 2004. First screens were posted in July 2008.

Dragon Age didn't need screenshots because we all knew it would look like shit.
Vampires and zombies are all too common in real life as it is. The vampires control the money supply, the central banks, the corporations, the media, and the zombie public consumes mindlessly. We're already living that game.
Ixyroth said:
Vampires and zombies are all too common in real life as it is. The vampires control the money supply, the central banks, the corporations, the media, and the zombie public consumes mindlessly. We're already living that game.

Whoa! We don't need your deep philosophical and social commentary here, pal. :mrgreen:
A refreshing break from the overgrown real time action based 'role playing game' and Sword and naked elves.

*down on his knees and pray to Odin so this game won't sucks*
Depends on Gender and Sub-Species.
Wild Elf Females are too wooden for my taste
(Or was it Wood elves being too wild? :P)