Brian Mitsoda announces DoubleBear, Zombie RPG

Per said:
All else being equal, I'll take naked elves over zombies.

no offense, Mr. Oppressive Lizard-Man, but to quote the dev himself:

Brian M said:
I've mentioned, we're not trying to redefine the zombie but are trying to create a game that analyzes the panic that something like a zombie would trigger in society, which in our game world has been quite cataclysmic. Unlike normal disasters, this is something happening all over the world, so waiting for relief is out of the question. I'll go into more of this later, but if anyone out there has lived through a major disaster, they've seen how it can trigger the best and worst in people, regardless of whether it's a massive fire, tornado, blackout, or in this case, zombies.

doesn't seem like many people in this thread are quite "getting" the point (or maybe none of you care?). now, i'm not defending anything other than benefit of the doubt, because it could be brilliant, it could be crap or it could reside in the bargain bins of "Meh" world-wide. but it sounds like a fine idea for an RPG and i certainly can't think of anything, ever, in any medium...with "naked elves" which has touched on such a subject without appearing hilariously sophomoric and embarrassing. i mean...elves. right. really getting to the bottom of human nature with that one, right? :roll:
TwinkieStabllis said:
doesn't seem like many people in this thread are quite "getting" the point (or maybe none of you care?).

Random condescension aside, what is the point? They're using zombies to bring about a post-apoc scenario, which gives them a shot at exploring human nature, so therefore zombies are intellectual and stuff? If I make a game where naked elves raze the world and drive people to misery, does that make naked elves teh deep shit?
Per said:
TwinkieStabllis said:
doesn't seem like many people in this thread are quite "getting" the point (or maybe none of you care?).

Random condescension aside, what is the point? They're using zombies to bring about a post-apoc scenario, which gives them a shot at exploring human nature, so therefore zombies are intellectual and stuff? If I make a game where naked elves raze the world and drive people to misery, does that make naked elves teh deep shit?

wait, are you trying to not get this or care? like...staring at a rock hoping it turns to gold? i know you're a sharper guy than this, dude.

no, zombies aren't intellectual and stuff. and yes, it would seem they're using zombies to bring about a scenario. one of survival and basic human nature. so...uh...yes, that seems a bit deeper than your preferred naked elves scenario. not quite sure how this conversation degenerated into the difference between the character vehicle instead of the purpose of the vehicle. especially since when concerning suspension of disbelief i'm much more inclined to take the idea of a social mishap causing "zombies" than i am to believe in a race of woodland creatures.

and please...aside from all this...elves. elves? i mean, come on. why? if there is an older RPG cliche than fantasy, please. let me hear about it (no).
I have honestly no idea why you say we're not getting some point. We think zombies are overdone, and thus somehow we don't like post-apoc or human themes? Why are you defending zombies by appealing to something other than zombies?
Per said:
Why are you defending zombies by appealing to something other than zombies?

because unlike a game like Left4Dead "zombies" do not appear to be the focus of this game. it appears to be a vehicle. did you feel like the idea of "zombies" ruined the nature of a film like 28 Days Later? i didn't. that's all up to personal choice though i guess. i'm just saying in good zombie media, zombies themselves aren't the point.

i addressed the rest in my edit.
TwinkieStabllis said:
because unlike a game like Left4Dead "zombies" do not appear to be the focus of this game.

Then it makes even less sense to claim that people who bash zombies are bashing post-apoc.

It is perfectly possible to not be crazy about zombies and speak flippantly about elves without somehow missing that this will be a deep and philosophical post-apocalyptic game (for how could it turn out otherwise etc.).
Per said:
Then it makes even less sense to claim that people who bash zombies are bashing post-apoc.

but i...what?! how the heck did we get to this? i wasn't even close to claiming such a thing. in fact...i wasn't "claiming" anything. i was stating that possibly people might be missing the boat by attributing the idea that "zombies" are the focal point of this game, when by all i've doesn't appear that way at all. in the same way that i don't think a band should be bashed for using a "verse, chorus, verse" scenario as long as the song is actually doing something right.

It is perfectly possible to not be crazy about zombies and speak flippantly about elves without somehow missing that this will be a deep and philosophical post-apocalyptic game (for how could it turn out otherwise etc.).

i think i'm too confused by what you think i'm saying to respond to this. :shrug:
You sir are clearly an enemy of naked elvenkind.

This is a forum for post-apoc games, so when another post-apoc game comes along, I don't think it's too strange if people skip over the general premise and start nitpicking on the details, in this case zombies. You're overthinking it.
Per said:
You're overthinking it.

well, somehow i'm not seeing this as a bad thing. in fact, what i feel like i am doing is simply attempting to see a good concept in an rpg for what it is, because in a world where Bethesda's "whatever explodes is cool and whatever's cool goes!" rules, there's not much to be hopeful for at all.

so yeah, zombies. sure, it's a tired genre. it's over-done. that's what you're all saying, and i get it. but maybe it's not over-done. a company like Bethesda has clearly missed the point of Fallout, i think MOST zombie entrepreneurs miss the point of Romero. i think zombies work great as a metaphor for humanities follies, failings and blind obedience to that which one has grown accustomed to. the rote activities which guide a person daily.

so when you're confronted with the opposite...a person who is actively living a life...surviving...things become interesting on a very basic philosophical level which never needs to breach any level of faux-sophisticated intellectual pandering. it's just inherently interesting to put yourself in the shoes of somebody who needs to figure out what to do to stay alive. isn't this the reason why we all romanticize the P.A. genre so much? i mean, come on...nobody really wants to be around during such a catastrophe (barring any sick fetishes like my own) but we love to imagine what we'd do in such circumstances.

these ideas are so interesting because they are real. they are not far-fetched and they are not residing in the realms of fantasy.

so, sure. zombies. they've been used. but certainly not enough in interesting ways as far as i'm least not more than we've experienced in games, literature and film concerning the Post Apoc i say, why not?

go verse, chorus, verse and i don't give a FUCK...because if the song is good, it's good.
The game sounds interesting to me based on what was said about it. Of course, my opinion may be suspect considering my latest literary efforts.
TwinkieStabllis said:
...with "naked elves" which has touched on such a subject without appearing hilariously sophomoric and embarrassing. i mean...elves. right. really getting to the bottom of human nature with that one, right? :roll:

as like it would bother "exactly" you to bang a naked elve :lol: :wink: