Briton faces execution for smuggling heroin in China

How can people be sympathetic to a drug smuggler/dealer that ruin people's life, destroy family and create more society parasite?

People that support the dude that get executed for smuggling drug(spare me the weak "mentally ill exploited tricked" etc etc excuse) to other country.
Because there is already a demand.

If your so serious about damages to people, why not hunt and kill Wen Jiabao?
Sorrow said:
One thing that makes me wonder is why didn't he turn-in the people who gave him the drugs if he was sane.
He wasn't. Which is exactly why he should have been treated for that, and not allowed to travel the world, meet people and smuggle drugs.

Sorrow said:
why would any sane person would travel to China?
To climb the Great Wall. Plus, cheap electronics, I guess.
Well, depends on your intentions and durations of stays. Nevertheless, most of the fun is cheap, besides the cheap products. Booze, sight seeing, food, clubs and whatnot are usually pretty cheap compared to a lot of other places. There are lots to see and it's quite an unique experience. Take Beijing for example, it's not often one gets to see a city that is 1000 yrs old or more.

Of course, I try to dissuade people from coming here for the wrong reasons in my blog, but if you are here for fun, then there is nothing stopping you to have a good time. :D

I am a food person, so I have lots of fun going around eating weird things. But that's probably not for everyone, whatever floats your boat.
so, in a nutshell china executed a mentally deficient person from the UK for a crime they were unaware they were committing?

par for the course no?
The dude had a suitcase full of drugs, and was entering a country notorious for a dodgy justice system. Should have known what to expect.

If his family was so sure of his mental illness, why was he being allowed to travel there without his wife or caretaker?

I'm anti-death penalty, but this case far from surprising.