Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout: New Vegas (and OXM)

Myron Rolle said:
referring to the BoS as "Fallout 3's Brotherhood of Steel" (which I pray doesn't mean the Eastern brotherhood. My personal canon is that rocks fell on them and they're all dead)

Actually the last remaining Maxson is being raised by them lol

Myron Rolle said:
That means that every Fallout game from now on, regardless of location both geographically and in the timeline, will be expected have the BoS.

This was already the case
Myron Rolle said:
(which I pray doesn't mean the Eastern brotherhood. My personal canon is that rocks fell on them and they're all dead)

I lol'ed.

As with the early Fallout 3 previews, I can't wait for someone who actually knows the franchise to get his hands on it. And that doesn't exclude mainstream journos, like Porter or Desslock.

Since this likely means "not mainstream" it'll probably be awhile. Shit, remember how even Grandstaff admitted he hadn't played the goddamn originals months before release? Like, great PR choice, Bethie.
Too bad about the Brotherhood's reappearance. Here's hoping they are at least consistent with the West coasters. At least FO3 explained that the Eastern BoS were a rebel, splinter group and didn't reflect the original BoS ideals. Surely MCA will do the westerners right.

I still wonder if the Enclave will sneak into the picture. I hope not and I never understood their appearance in FO3. The impression FO2 gives is that the oil rig was "the enclave" (ie: refuge and last bastion of the US government). With it destroyed, I never understood their presence in FO3.
Wolfsburg said:
I still wonder if the Enclave will sneak into the picture. I hope not and I never understood their appearance in FO3. The impression FO2 gives is that the oil rig was "the enclave" (ie: refuge and last bastion of the US government). With it destroyed, I never understood their presence in FO3.

Because Beth needed a bad, fascist organisation to be the enemy and the Enclave more or less fit? It's not that easy to explain it, really.
Bah, expected as much, given the region and the ties to FO3 (pretty sure people would be asking "Where's the BOS?").
Will they wear T-51b and Combat Armor like in FO1 or somehow the east coast will have T-45d for everyone?

By the way, it was ever explained where they found those and why no-one had a single T-51b?
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
By the way, it was ever explained where they found those and why no-one had a single T-51b?

They got them the same way Earthworm Jim got his super suit. T-45d armors just rain from the sky on they're heads.
Ha, that's a good one.

It's clear that Bethesda didn't put much thinking in the logic behind the workings of the events in Fallout 3.

I'm looking forward to seeing the BoS in this game, as that means power armor for me.
I just see a small logical problem in here.

This is pure speculation now, but: I think, the T-45d Power Armor in Van Buren was just added because of the skelet "problem". The characters would have needed a new skeleton with new animations, to make it look right and like in Fallout 1. I guess, to skip this step, they added the smaller T-45d Power Armor. At least this sounds plausible to me.

Bethesda now added their own version of the T-45d... which is ugly and sucks.

So... yeh. Either we see the not 100% correct T-51b Power Armor in NV or the even more uncorrect and ugly T-45d. But this should be clear anyway.... just wanted to point out the Van Buren thingy. :>
This is pure speculation now, but: I think, the T-45d Power Armor in Van Buren was just added because of the skelet "problem". The characters would have needed a new skeleton with new animations, to make it look right and like in Fallout 1. I guess, to skip this step, they added the smaller T-45d Power Armor. At least this sounds plausible to me.

No, Van Buren had both T-51b and T-45d. All the VB power armor we've seen was T-51b, the T-45d was going to have a different texture that was never finished.

JE Sawyer:

Though that design was intended for the "real" F3 power armor (T-51b), we wanted to have an alternate texture for the armor Armstrong describes, T-45d, which ran off small energy cells. It would only have appeared in the tutorial as a "back in the day" detail.
Well, ok then. :) Still, I would find it better if they would just have taken the T-45d in this case. :P

The difference between Fallout 1 power armor and Van Buren (or Fallout 3) power armor is just too big. Seriously. There is at least two heads difference in the height.
Part of the reason for the redesign in VB was because there was too much clipping if the original design was used.
Fallout's 3 BoS had older PAs, because they found a cache of them in the ruins of White House. Or something like that.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Will they wear T-51b and Combat Armor like in FO1 or somehow the east coast will have T-45d for everyone?

By the way, it was ever explained where they found those and why no-one had a single T-51b?
Its mentioned that they (Behesoft-Brotherhoods) found them in the Pentagon.

Though considering how much powerarmors you get from the enclave in the end you could equip the whole Brotherhood with them.

Ausir said:
Part of the reason for the redesign in VB was because there was too much clipping if the original design was used.
I really hope they worked on the Power armor at least. It should not just get better animation but also a increased size. It always bothered me a bit to see people in Power armor in F3 have the SAME size like all people.

Want to look badass with it damnit :P
Tagaziel said:
* Your quest in the wasteland involves finding out who tried to murde you and what was in the package you were carrying

murde ??

is that spanish or something?