C l a y K i t t e n S h o o t i n g 2


White heterosexual male
You hate cats? You want to punish them for being what they are: balls of fur with no respect for their masters? Well then: you just check out this site and play one of them Clay Kitten Shooting games! Yeah! :twisted:

<insert something along the lines of "Blade Runner, you're not so tough in real life, dude!"> :puppy-dog:

Have fun! :twisted:

Dude, I am SO bad at that game. My lack of playing FPS games finally has some bad effects.
ahhhh awesome game... although i dont remember any of the cats i had to kill at my grandmas farm bouncing around in all directions after i shot them.

this game is far more fun than real life.
You're mean.

And duckhunting is way better than this game.
every cat i shot in real life was shot ouyt of mercy, or strictly for population control reasons.. they were starveing, diseased and severely inbred.

what i did was spare them a slow cruel death through starvation.
I actually like cats- but the game is damn fun anyway! I could feel my reflexes improving with every round. I sorta like the original version better than the sequel, b/c the rounds go by faster...
Jebus said:
You're a real humanitarian. Ever considered feeding them instead?

Ever tried feeding that many feral farm cats? Don't judge until you've lived the farm life in Wisconsin. Yeah, it's not nice, but sometimes it has to be done.
Elissar said:
ahhhh awesome game... although i dont remember any of the cats i had to kill at my grandmas farm bouncing around in all directions after i shot them. .

Maybe the rounds you used weren't powerful enough.

"That's a little overkill on a poor defenseless animal, doncha think?" - Phil