C l a y K i t t e n S h o o t i n g 2

Ozrat said:
Jebus said:
You're a real humanitarian. Ever considered feeding them instead?

Ever tried feeding that many feral farm cats? Don't judge until you've lived the farm life in Wisconsin. Yeah, it's not nice, but sometimes it has to be done.

Jebus, STFU. You pay to feed 40 feral, diseased, Inbred farm cats.
We Fed them as long as was viable. But after my grandpa died Grandma couldnt afford it anymore. You'd Ask an elderly woman to Feed 40 feral cats out of her own pocket?

Ozrat. I appreciate the backup on that. Yeah, It's ugly and i didnt enjoy haveing to do it. But it was necessary.. We exhausted all other options first.. We couldnt have the humane sosciety come get them.. they wanted a "donation" of $40 per cat to take em off our hands.

Do the math $40 per cat VS Less than $0.01 per .22LR Bullet. (used to buy em in bricks of 1100 for just over $10.00.)
Elissar, in that situation I have to agree with you, it was the best thing to do, as long as they died quick. There is no point in letting them starve or risk having them attack some of the smaller animals on the farm, poultry if you have 'em. Not a pretty picture. :roll:
Elissar said:
Do the math $40 per cat VS Less than $0.01 per .22LR Bullet. (used to buy em in bricks of 1100 for just over $10.00.)

Jesus, man. What did you need n*1100 bullets for? Are you planning to take on the entire Wasteland? I don't even want to know...

Still, it's good you weren't as frugal as to use an army knife. In death camps, commanders would encourage the guards to finish off prisoners with bayonets, because "their lives weren't worth as much as a good bullet"
Here in the Flanders, where guns are basically forbidden, people used to just drown cats when they had way too many of them. Yes sir, you put the kittens in a canvas bag and you dump the bag in a pond or a bathtub. Then you watch the bubbles and smoke your pipe.

Or people buried the kittens alive and well. Same scenario: you put them in a bag, throw the bag in a hole and you fill the hole. When the ground doesn't move anymore, the task is done.

Nowadays, doing that is a crime. So people put the kittens in a bag, they drive to a forest and set the kittens "free". Or they give them to a medical lab. :twisted:

In that case, though, if I were a kitten, I'd choose the bullet. It's a lot more humane. :twisted:

Don't you just love cats?
I think there even is a Flemish song about strangling cats.
Something like

"Farmer (?) sqeezed the pussies in the dark" (dum-die-dum-doe)

Ehm... In English the song takes on a whole different meaning, it seems... :oops:
Silencer said:
Elissar said:
Do the math $40 per cat VS Less than $0.01 per .22LR Bullet. (used to buy em in bricks of 1100 for just over $10.00.)

Jesus, man. What did you need n*1100 bullets for? Are you planning to take on the entire Wasteland? I don't even want to know...

I needed that much ammo because i have 4 .22 Rifles and 2 .22 Handguns... i spent alot of time at thr range practicing with them because the ammo was cheap as hell and plentiful.