CAD can't wait for Fallout

I can't even read PvP...I like Least I Could Do a lot, and they have a new one every day.

I also like Alien Loves Predator, but they never ever update.
I'm not too big on webcomics, but Gone With The Blastwave is good, at least it still was some year ago, I haven't been keeping up with it. The one I recall the most is the "hey guys, I found a way out...*BLAM*"
Gone With The Blastwave is excellent. It's a bit upsetting how infrequently he updates, though.
Yeah, I wasn't praising Penny Arcade and knocking CAD in my post, if it came off that way. I was putting forth exactly what Unkillable Cat said.

I've read the entire CAD archive. I started reading it in 2003, I stopped reading it about a year ago. I kept reading due to the sporadic chance of an update that might actually be funny. Once I realized how stupid that was, I deleted it from my favorites and never looked back.

People have tried to get me in to Penny Arcade countless times, it never works. I just don't care.

There's no denying Penny Arcade has something CAD doesn't, though- a condescending, sometimes pseudo-intellectual air. Maybe that last part is just from the blog posts, though. Now that I think about it, most of the time the comic itself is even dumber than CAD.

Cliffs Notes: I think what Brother None thinks.

Maybe I've just grown beyond gaming comics in general. VGCats no longer seems very funny either. Though to be honest, some of my lack of enthusiasm may have to do with VGC's (lack of an) update schedule.

I got in to Gone with the Blastwave very early on (when its fan base was in the low double digits, at comic #4). He updated just as infrequently back then, and I don't think he's going to bother with it much longer. Probably going to start a new comic. He's had about ten ideas on the backburner for two or three years now.
Liked PA in the beginning and when it wasn't as popular, but it's gone the way of Garfield re-hashing similar themes. VGCats has been hit-or-miss...seems like 1 out of 5 are balls-out hilarious...the rest are WTF?s. I do like 8-bit and Gone With the Blastwave (along with the humor, the art is amazingly good with that one).

I'm also partial to The Perry Bible Fellowship.
Well, not really gaming related, but my favorite web comic is definitely PBF (although it's taken a dip as well).

Slowbeef's Metal Gear 2 strategy guide is hilarious. And sort of in the same realm. Not really.
I liked 8-bit but I lost my place in the archives and didn't care to find it again.
Dunno what the fuss is about. The guy has a right to *anticipate* Fallout 3, right?

Even though i know i won't like it, i am anticipating the release of Fallout 3 too, if only to see how bad it is.
Even though i know i won't like it, i am anticipating the release of Fallout 3 too, if only to see how bad it is.

Its almost like passing a car crash. You don't want to look, but you end up doing it anyway.