Caesar-Followers of the Apocalypse?


Still Mildly Glowing
I know the Followers are mostly incompatible with the culture of the Legion, however I was thinking that they should be an option in the "Et tumor, brute?" quest. (and no, enslaving Arcade doesn't really count)
They are, after all, the group with the most medical skills in the region and with ties to Caesar. The player could bargain a treaty between the two in exchange for the medical attention, should he choose to go for the Legion route.
I don't see the Followers accepting. They are sometimes called naïve but I don't think it's the fitting word, idealistic suit them better. And in the name of their ideals, it would be to them like selling their mother to Edward, a man they fear and are ashamed of for the way he used the knowledge they taught him.
I know the Followers are mostly incompatible with the culture of the Legion, however I was thinking that they should be an option in the "Et tumor, brute?" quest. (and no, enslaving Arcade doesn't really count)
They are, after all, the group with the most medical skills in the region and with ties to Caesar. The player could bargain a treaty between the two in exchange for the medical attention, should he choose to go for the Legion route.

You'd be laughed out of Mormon Fort on the spot. One of the reasons the Followers are having such a hard time with refugees is because of the Legion/NCR war. Also, if the NCR discovered the Followers saved Edward's life... well... they would be declared public enemy #1. And there go the Followers considering that their guards aren't members but common mercs that mostly hate the Legion too so they wouldn't protect them or outright attack them for betraying the NCR.

The bulk of the Followers are back in California, so maybe those back home would disavow the Mojave branch. Nevertheless, Caesar wouldn't be open to let them into the Legion as they would pollute Legion culture and the NCR would declare them traitors.

No, it's a win/lose with Edward living and the Followers dying. The Followers wouldn't agree to it.

The Followers are bleeding heart pacifists, not suicidal morons who subvert their home nation.
They are incompatible, yes, but not because they are opposite, but because the Legion is an extremist interpretation of the Follower's philosophy. It is incompatible just like the protestant reform was incompatible with christianity in the religion wars that followed Luther.
Caesar DOES provide education (new language, the cult of mars etc.), a form of public service (numeri & publicus basically, and slavery), the destruction of tribalism and a technological template to his subjects. He is applying everything the followers do, but in another extent and another template, and without pacifism.
It may be my fuzzy memory blending voice actors or something, but wasn't Julie Farkas like really concerned about the Legion presence? I don't think there's any way that she'd agree to this, naïve or not... I mean, actively extending the life of a slaver overlord who makes no secret that he will kill anyone and everyone who opposes his regime? Eh...
I know the Followers are mostly incompatible with the culture of the Legion, however I was thinking that they should be an option in the "Et tumor, brute?" quest. (and no, enslaving Arcade doesn't really count)
They are, after all, the group with the most medical skills in the region and with ties to Caesar. The player could bargain a treaty between the two in exchange for the medical attention, should he choose to go for the Legion route.
or get to know Caesar's past that he was Edward Sallow and once a member of the Followers.

good option but will Legion adapts to more humane approach and discover the true roman values beyond their 'warrior cultures' (which actually the Legionairy not a warrior caste of its own, rather a forerunner of modern standing army which labour caste or third estate is eligible to join (and quite a compulsory before becoming Roman Citizen), while warrior caste fits the Brotherhood of Steel perfectly)?
or get to know Caesar's past that he was Edward Sallow and once a member of the Followers.

good option but will Legion adapts to more humane approach and discover the true roman values beyond their 'warrior cultures'
(which actually the Legionairy not a warrior caste of its own, rather a forerunner of modern standing army which labour caste or third estate is eligible to join (and quite a compulsory before becoming Roman Citizen), while warrior caste fits the Brotherhood of Steel perfectly)?

No chance, these people are more ideologically driven than Caesar. So much so they'd sacrifice the ability to continue their work just to spite "the man".. Damn anarchists and their lack of rationale.
The Followers are smart so they wouldn't do it.

Helping the needy in spite of personal cost =/= going into the Slavery Fortress to save the life of it's leader so he can lead his army into conquering the very place they are sacrificing so much for.

They are incompatible, yes, but not because they are opposite, but because the Legion is an extremist interpretation of the Follower's philosophy. It is incompatible just like the protestant reform was incompatible with christianity in the religion wars that followed Luther.
Caesar DOES provide education (new language, the cult of mars etc.), a form of public service (numeri & publicus basically, and slavery), the destruction of tribalism and a technological template to his subjects. He is applying everything the followers do, but in another extent and another template, and without pacifism.

Not at all. The Followers don't seek to overwrite the culture of the people they help, in fact the Followers prefer New Vegas to remain independent, they teach locals medicine and help them but they take a non-inteference stance on the local culture.
Damn, my whole post was lost.

The guy spent decades distancing himself from the followers. He would never admit needing their help.
Of course, he is also an hypocrite, so i can see seeking the help of a couple of followers, and kill them once they served their purpose, so the whole thing remain secret.
In a Legion ending where Caesar lives he allows the Followers to leave the region peacefully (altho not willingly) out of respect, in a Caesar is dead and Lanius is the new Caesar ending he massacres them to the last person to erase the Legion's origin connection to them.
If you think that the Legion wouldn't throw the Followers against the wall, then I have a few defunct casinos in Atlantic City to sell you. Even if Caesar might let them leave Old Mormon Fort peacefully, Lanius wouldn't. And why would the Followers even want to ally with a slave-owning, misogynistic ass clown like Caesar? Anyone suggesting that to Julie Farkas would get the same reaction as if they'd worn a Giants jersey into a Philly sports bar.