The Man From Nowhere
It Wandered In From the Wastes

The Legion as we're shown in New Vegas are vehemently misogynist and see males as superior and consider women only for breeding, and throughout The Fort you see women just as slaves.
You'd expect a wasteland leader of Caesar's stature to have assembled a harem of sorts. Mr. House has Robot Jane. The King has his groupies. Yet what do you find in Caesar's tent? Nothing but men.
His relationship with Arcade if the latter is sold out by The Courier and commits suicide. Caesar is said to have been "fond" of him and even mourned him for months. Life means little to Caesar - yet the death of Arcade moved him.
A male Courier with Confirmed Bachelor who hints at their sexuality when Cass shoots down any potential flirting actually elicits the response of the Courier having a "Legion point of view", alluding that Legion is thought to have rampant homosexuality. Veronica also makes a quip about how they all mount each other.
The historical Caesar had certain mystery around his sexuality, his political enemies stating that he had a relationship with the King of Nicomedia and his engineer. It's something for Edward Sallow to relate to in the great man if he himself is closeted and perhaps even self-loathing homosexual (If the player has a chat with a Westside prostitute, Jimmy, he'll explain homosexuality is punished by death from Caesar). There's probably some sort of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" thing going on where things are going behind closed quarters and expected to remain so.
Throw in Roman culture itself where it wasn't so much about homosexuality that was taboo as it was a dominance thing and being the "receiving" and/or effete male was looked down on.
The Legion over glorifies males & warrior culture and degrades femininity and the roles of women completely and latent with homosexuality.
You'd expect a wasteland leader of Caesar's stature to have assembled a harem of sorts. Mr. House has Robot Jane. The King has his groupies. Yet what do you find in Caesar's tent? Nothing but men.
His relationship with Arcade if the latter is sold out by The Courier and commits suicide. Caesar is said to have been "fond" of him and even mourned him for months. Life means little to Caesar - yet the death of Arcade moved him.
A male Courier with Confirmed Bachelor who hints at their sexuality when Cass shoots down any potential flirting actually elicits the response of the Courier having a "Legion point of view", alluding that Legion is thought to have rampant homosexuality. Veronica also makes a quip about how they all mount each other.
The historical Caesar had certain mystery around his sexuality, his political enemies stating that he had a relationship with the King of Nicomedia and his engineer. It's something for Edward Sallow to relate to in the great man if he himself is closeted and perhaps even self-loathing homosexual (If the player has a chat with a Westside prostitute, Jimmy, he'll explain homosexuality is punished by death from Caesar). There's probably some sort of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" thing going on where things are going behind closed quarters and expected to remain so.
Throw in Roman culture itself where it wasn't so much about homosexuality that was taboo as it was a dominance thing and being the "receiving" and/or effete male was looked down on.
The Legion over glorifies males & warrior culture and degrades femininity and the roles of women completely and latent with homosexuality.
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