Cali on same-sex marriage

Your stance on same-sex marriage is...

  • Positive, I'm all for it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Negative, I don't really like it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fuck no, get off the Internet you creep

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't give a rat's ass about it (Wooz)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Slaughter Manslaught said:
I don't care, as long as they stay the hell away from me. Gay people creep me out, unless they're lesbians, then they're okay, I think.

But men? Urgh, get the hell away.

"Doesn't your ass hurt?"

LMAO!! :loll:

You like lesbians eh?

SUPER 90 year old lesbians! Ya twat.

TwinkieGorilla said:
p.s. i can't understand how ANYBODY could be against it. look what fucking religion has done to this world.

You know, most religious people don't care! :D I really hate people pounding religion for a few nut jobs.
Well, my sister worked in a gay bar for a year or so (but she's not lesbian mind you) and she says that lesbians (true lesbian, not bisexual women or simply fucked up chicks that'll do something to shock everyone, like pretending to be lesbian) are FUCKING AGGRESSIVE. Better watch out, you nasty lesbian-lovers.
Been legal here in the Senior Nation for a good while now, and I haven't seen any evidence of Divine Retribution yet.

To be honest, like most people seem to think, I'm all for the gays to do whatever the hell the gays want, so long as it's behind a closed door, and I don't see why they shouldn't have decent legal protection if one dies.
The irrationality behind some of the naysayers' arguments is really weird. The religious bunch is kind of obvious: "the bible says blah blah". But then there's the guys who aren't religious, but more like superstitious. Some actually believe that homosexuality is somehow contagious. Others think that it's like a fashion trend, so if gays start coming out of the closet then heteros might think "might as well try this new gay thang out lol" - which is bullshit, since sexuality cannot be changed like an accessory. Nor is it a contagious disease (I guess it's debatable whether it can be called disease or disorder or what not, but it's certainly nothing serious). There's no rational reason why a heterosexual who is 100% sure of his sexuality would be afraid of gays and deny them the right to get married. It's just not an issue. I can't imagine turning gay just because gays get the same rights as heteros.

But yeah, I'd also like to see someone who said "No" make a serious case against gay marriage in this thread.
Yeah, I don't think we should deny them marriage - we should PURGE THE FILTH. Why? BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS SO.

And honestly - if someone sticks to his\hers religion, then denying them this only because their religion says so is understandable. Credibility, it is. I call myself a christian, therefore I need to act like my religion tells me to. Is it right or wrong, that's another thing. So don't go about slandering the stoopid religys mo'fos', they have their reasons.

P.S. I do not care if they marry or not, as long as they will behave decent and won't run around half naked, dressed only in tight leather.
The HOLY Bible also tells parents to stone misbehaving children.

*kills kid with rocks for masturbating*
Ravager69 said:
And honestly - if someone sticks to his\hers religion, then denying them this only because their religion says so is understandable. Credibility, it is. I call myself a christian, therefore I need to act like my religion tells me to. Is it right or wrong, that's another thing. So don't go about slandering the stoopid religys mo'fos', they have their reasons..

I trust therefore that you never eat shellfish or pork, never wear clothes with mixed fibres, never use credit or have a mortgage etc etc?

Wow, I admire you. :D
I stole Wooz's "I don't give a rats ass" option.
Allthough I can see why christians don't want gay marriage in church, because it's kind of, y'know, against their religion...
Hey, I said "I am a christian" for an example, I'm not the finest christian around nor do I live by-the-book.
Ravager69 said:
I'm not the finest christian around nor do I live by-the-book.

actually sounds like most christians i've ever met.

i can't believe how phobic this world is. does anybody SERIOUSLY think that once gays marry they're going to walk around the streets of your town sodomizing each other in front of your children dressed in their holy sunday clothes?

for fucks sake people. lighten up. get out more. think harder. do something other than follow your preset rules you were born into abiding by.
i can't believe how phobic this world is. does anybody SERIOUSLY think that once gays marry they're going to walk around the streets of your town sodomizing each other in front of your children dressed in their holy sunday clothes?

Most people opposing the gay pride march in Moscow were afraid, as far as I can tell, that children (and other men, I guess) would look at the gays and think: "Hmm, being a sissy boy is totally okay!" and then become gay, wear make-up, listen to bad pop music and have buttsex. And then there wouldn't be REAL men left.

hope this helps

On a related note, is it a scientific fact that people are born gay?
Mixed. People can inherently lean toward a certain orientation but it's social conditioning that will shape their orientation finally.

Of course this is a gross simplification.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Ravager69 said:
I'm not the finest christian around nor do I live by-the-book.

actually sounds like most christians i've ever met.

So what?

TwinkieGorilla said:
i can't believe how phobic this world is. does anybody SERIOUSLY think that once gays marry they're going to walk around the streets of your town sodomizing each other in front of your children dressed in their holy sunday clothes?

for fucks sake people. lighten up. get out more. think harder. do something other than follow your preset rules you were born into abiding by.

Where did you get that idea? Did I ever say they will do such thing?
Neamos said:
Can anyone voting 'No' comment?
Do sodomites make God sad and angry at humanity?

Well a large furry cat asked me about my opinion about same sex marriages...

... I had no other choice than to choose the "Fuck no, get off the Internet you creep" option.

Otherwhise I would have voted "YES".
Any religious person who justifies their bigotry with their holy book of choice but ignores ANY other rule in the same book for ANY reason other than "God appeared to me in person and told me I should ignore that part" is a hypocrite and forfeits their privilege of voicing their opinion.

Anyone justifying it with tradition didn't do their homework, as marriage traditionally NEVER was about a "holy" bond between two people of opposite sexes but entirely about function (in society, family and commerce).

Marriage is functional. Married couples get tax benefits and hold certain legal statuses. Marriage is about indefinite long-term relationships.

You can't have it both ways: either you acknowledge that same-sex couples can fulfil the traditional family roles (i.e. be parents and care for children or at least support each other) and allow them to share the same benefits as opposite-sex couples, or you don't and revoke their statuses as couples altogether.
Ravager69 said:
Where did you get that idea? Did I ever say they will do such thing?

wasn't talking about you, was talking about people in general.

the only line directed at you was the one relevant to the part i quoted of your post. take off your sensitivity panties, dude.
Oh, but they fit me quite well.

Anyway, your post was a bit exaggerated - I see no biogotry here, most of folks said "sure, why not?".