@ Sander
Yes it's quite more difficult.
And that should be changed. It should be easy to give others the right to get informed about your health status, and it should be possible for good friends to drive with you in an ambulance waggon and such.
Not all heterosexual couples are fertile, and homosexual couples can adopt and have children through other means.
That's right. But a lot of people would say having problems with fertility is a problem. And that to be able adopting someone, someone would have had to father a child...
So i really think there's a difference.
But this difference is one that could legally be solved by binding advantages and such to the child.
I wouldn't call it an expansions, but a legal opening. So to say you could choose different rights (some bond to duties) and such.
But to be honset, i don't really get you there.
Mikeal Grizzly said:
I don't need to win you over. You get the facts presented to you and it's up to you to wise up or not.
Then give me facts i really can agree with or learn something from, and not only such i allready heard and disagree with
Utter failure. I see you don't understand the basic concept that human is an animal, and as an animal, is part of the animal kingdom.
Dude, stop with the antropocentrism.
There's differences in human and animal society.
Neither apes nor any other animal have a society that are resembling our really well. So you can't project their behaviour and 'morality' onto us, without making big/small errors.
You even make these errors when your projecting behaviour from one race of apes onto another. You can try to catch overall patterns, but also then you might make some mistakes.
Maybe my wording was to simple for you on that? I mean we can discuss to some extend how much of an animal a human is, but the wouldn't add to the discussion here i think. And therefore i would like to circumvent such deep discussions about it.
I agree that in nature there is homosexuality. But for me that doesn't mean it's natural for us, even while overall patterns are giving a hint in that direction....
Actually they are, if you took care to read up and understand that it's against the law, since it constitutes defacing human remains, and that is not a misdemeanor but a crime.
As there are laws against homosexuals in some countries. So it's a crime in some countries. Does that change anything? I guess not.
By the way, i think homosexual marriages are also more or less a crime in countries wich don't allow them. The only thing is, that doing something impossible isn't be able to avanged, no?
Because if you and your friend would pretend to be marriaged and illegal gain access to the advantages of a 'real' (the allowed ones) you would get a punishment, or am i wrong on that?
Actually no, you can't. If you die, your family has the right to inherit first, even if you wrote down that your partner should. Not to mention that in most cases your partner needs to write a proper statement, for example, for you to be informed about his health when in hospital. It's kind of hard to write one when you're in a coma, and most hospitals deny information if you're not part of the patient's family, no matter what paper you show.
As said i think in a lot countries you can, i though don't know every law.
And yes, i think it would be a fault on the hospitals side. By the way, that's not only a problem for homosexuals. So this shouldn't be only solved for them (by being able to marry).
It's a damn leg-work at the moment, so that's surely given.
No, they are not. A marriage is identical for both opposite- and same-sex couples.
Your opinion <-> My opinion, we won't met in the middle... so yeah.
Many first world countries already have a form of marriage or civil partnership available for same-sex couples. "Traditional" thought is already in retreat, despite what vocal conserves and Palpatine want you to think.
I know... i also know what some islanders in the caribean or such were making with their dead, or what Atzecs did with war 'prisoners', or what greek thought of young men...
But ask yourself does that really matter when were speaking mainly speaking about christian tradition?
Tradition allways get changed, mostly because of the social dynamic of humans yeah.
Wouldn't it be cheaper and much less of a hassle to simply change a few words in law about marriages?
Except for Poland, where we'd need to revise the Constitution.
Cheaper and less hassle ? Yes.
But it wouldn't reflect the change in society i think, while it should do that. And so i think when you're working on it, you could do it 'right' from the beginning.
Yes i might be wrong with this point, but that's at least my opinion.
Feminists are a vocal minority.
Okay, maybe i was taking this 'extreme' example to hard, but i meant such examples, as also some revolutionists who said/thought: 'The oppressed should now be some times the oppressors'.
I do hope you're not saying we should ignore their work and goals totally.
No. It helped and helps the society, but you need to watch very close what someone demands. And if the goals are really the right ones, or if they are off.
Because humans tend to search their own advanage, and i won't judge that to hard
So i hope this time it's understandable and okay
--addition edit--
Really it isn't only about them, but also about those who think of the marriages as the christian symbol it was for years.
I think they wouldn't be that angry if you had a bigger split between the govermental (?) institution of marriage and the religious one.
Or they would look really bad...
And yes, i way a ass about the resonons for homsexual couples wanting to marriage, but that might stem from the fact that i met a lot of more hetrosexual couples who said things like: "Why should we marriage? The only real advantage would be in the taxes".
So yeah, maybe my horizon was to short on that one.
But i still think there's also a portion of self-assurance. Judge me for that...