Mr muggyman 3000
Lover of coffe cups
I've been thinking about this subject a lot lately. It seems everytime you go to YouTube there's always some stupid minecraft music video, or a five night a Freddy's jumpscare compilation trending. I used to really like minecraft/fnaf I thought they were good indie games that were fairly unique, and creative, but with the constant saturation of both games. I can't even stomach the thought of playing either of them again.
Every time I try to play minecraft/fnaf i feel like I've been playing for hours on end, even though I just played for 5 minutes.
Don't get me started on their fanbase's. I once made A comment on the fnaf Reddit about how the sequels are just the first game with a new coat of paint. I instantly got down voted to oblivion, and got called a faggot at least half a dozen times.
What do y'all think about fanbase's/over exposure. Do you think they can effect the quality of the game, or do you thing they don't have any effect?
Every time I try to play minecraft/fnaf i feel like I've been playing for hours on end, even though I just played for 5 minutes.
Don't get me started on their fanbase's. I once made A comment on the fnaf Reddit about how the sequels are just the first game with a new coat of paint. I instantly got down voted to oblivion, and got called a faggot at least half a dozen times.
What do y'all think about fanbase's/over exposure. Do you think they can effect the quality of the game, or do you thing they don't have any effect?