welsh said:
Its not a question of the fanatics, but the main body. Who controls your agenda-
Socially- evengelicals,
Economically- big business.
The strategy is divide and conquer, and the method is lie, cheat and steal if you have too. How much proof do you need?
Is this true of all Republicans? No. But it is who they support.
Democrats, who controls your agenda?
Economically- FUCKING DIRTY RUSSIAN COMMIES! Oh and they want to help the rest of the world to destroy the US economy.
You know, the fanatics on the republican side say the same exact thing about the left. Think about that.
On ether side its a case of both extremes have the loudest voice and no one pays attention to the majority in the middle.
welsh said:
welsh said:
So the Republicans give us-
discrimination against gays
Marriage amendment to stop a plague of gays from infecting us "normal" people. No right to a civil union between two people of the same sex.
Which means that a human being doesn't have the right to decide who they want to marry and constrains a person to make the choice to love who they want too. Tell me how this isn't discrimination against a specific minority? Tell me who this doesn't infringe on the right of an individual to have a family of their choosing or freely express affection?
ANd it gets better- a guy can sit in the foxhole next to you, fight off waves of Taliban guerrillas, take a bullet for a buddy, but god forbid he admit his sexual preference.
This is not Hypocrisy?
You'll notice the amendment was pushed by bush. We can agree that he's more than a little right of center and that he's a cunt. But you'll also notice that it failed every time it was brought to vote. Until 2004 we had a republican majority and in 2004 we had far more support for bush and whatever bullshit he tried to push.
ANNDND Don't fucking start with me on the military. I've wanted to be a ranger since I was 14. Around 17 I realized I was gay and realized that I couldn't openly serve.
It is no secret that the military has some of the most right wing people in the united states in it. It is a retarded and expensive code of conduct and it does need to change. Back in the day when the south was democratic there was this other group of people. Blacks who had to go through the same bullshit.
welsh said:
welsh said:
discrimination against blacks
Each year the government manages to cut back on funding for summer programs for inner city (predominantly black) communities. The republicans generally support the NRA drive to prevent predominantly inner city (black communities) from regulating the use of fire arms. The War on Drugs seeks to contain drug traffic in inner city and treat it as a criminal issue instead of a pubic health one, sustaining impoverishment and disenfranchisement. And lets cut back on education too, because we don't want blacks being educated and challenging the political and economic status quo.
Usually large cities tend to be more democratic. See the flaw in your master plan on who cuts funding for whom?
The NRA's stance on gun control is that it is a bad idea anywhere. In Wyoming or in New York city. Its a blanket policy and is inherently not raciest.
You believe that allowing inner cities to have guns is racist. I and the NRA believe that not allowing any law abiding citizen living in the inner city from owning a firearm is racist.
So who's racist now BITCH!(sorry your comment was incredibly racist from my point of view though I know it was unintentional)
Funny how in republican areas like the one I live in seem to treat users more and salt lake city(the liberal part of Utah) only 40 miles north seems to put them in jail more.
Hmmmmmmm what about them apples? The truth is nether side is doing enough to educate these people with at the very least a high school diploma. Education is the key to preventing most crime.
Utah spends the least on public education of any of the states. Utah has one of the highest graduation rates in the nation.
Liberal places like Oregon that spend so much money on education and yet seem to have the lowest graduation rates.
Could public education use more money? Yes. But it won't mean a damn if the culture in the area does not value education.
I really hate to say this but it seems that republican parents tend to value education more and so their children value education more. Thats my personal observation. In Oregon the more liberal the parent the less the child valued their education. The same thing happened here in Utah.
They valued their education by coming to class and by doing their assigned work.
welsh said:
welsh said:
discrimination against immigrants
Lets increase the cost of legal immigration, create a worker program of second class citizens, and target hispanics with a wall (regardless to the fact that most illegals are not hispanics but eastern europeans) which, by the way, also leads to social stigmatization of legal latinos.
Worker program is to allow workers from Mexico to work in the US legally at low cost to themselves.
My brother in law came from a poor family in Brazil. It took a year after he married a US citizen to get here. But in the end he did get here. My neighborhood is chuck full of immigrants from south and central America. I can't describe how much they hate illegals from their country. Are they racist?
Should we discriminate against them? No. Should we build a wall. No thats just retarded. Should we send illegal immigrants from any country away. Yes.
I highly doubt that most people, democrats or republicans know that eastern Europeans are the biggest illegal population. And I admit that even if they did they probably wouldn't go after them as hard as they do hispanics.
But again it isn't republicans. It is popular perception of who the guilty party is. If I went up to a random democrat they would likely say that hispanics are the biggest illegal population. But their answer to the solution would likely be very different than a republican which would say send them back.
It is infact the answer that you call racist. But when in truth it is the under lying preception that is.
welsh said:
welsh said:
discrimination against non-Christians
Because faith based initiative schemes go to Christian organizations and not organizations of other faiths? Because the party supports using churches as platforms for campaigning in the creation of a more "christian nation".
Doesn't sound like the republicans I know. The republicans I know are influenced by their beliefs. So naturally they will tend to support their religion. Most often Christianity. But you seem to have republicans confused with the extremists. Such as
Just like republicans call all democrats communist, democrats call all republicans fascists. Nether is true.
welsh said:
dsicrimination against women
Pro-life vs Pro-Choice. Take away the morning after pill if we can. Oh and Partial Birth Abortions are given to women who are in desperate need for the life of the mother? But you know, the life of the unblemished soul of the unborn is worth more than the wanton ways of women who spread their loins.
Oh and lets get rid of affirmative action programs that protect women as well as blacks. Lets cut back on social programs that might allow a poor or middle class working woman day care services so she can earn a living to support the child? Lets cut back on education programs too- while we are at it.
And I don't even have to get into the misogyny prepetuated by republicans against Hillary. "Beat the Bitch?"
- ok, that's a start.
I'm pro choice. So are many people in the republican party. Just as there are many in the democratic party who are pro life.
Honestly I can find just as many cutbacks on social programs from democrats as I can republicans.
Hillary. Well, yeah beat the bitch. I've never heard that but it works.
I wouldn't want Hillary at all. Give me Obama over Hillary any day.
I really would rather have an inexperienced loaf in the presidency than an experienced politician who is shifting and baseless.
Hell for that matter give me Kerry. At least I know what he'll give me.