Fireblade said:
As "realpolitik" demands, what the United States is doing is perfectly correct and indeed moral in doing.
Choose one: realpolitik or moral. Because they're 2 different things. But seeing the rest of your post, and how you answered me that's either too complex for you to understand, or you really don't care and simply want to flame me, personally.
what country are YOU from you sanctimonious prick?
Insults? are they moral or realpolitikally useful? Btw, Italy, but I don't consider myself italian. I know about regimes. Here we have one now (and that explains the great friendship with your country) and we invented fascism almost 90 years ago. Bush and Saddam should pay royalties to the italian government.
Stupid religious nuts? I hate religion again, and yes, I am American. Wow, you know that maybe half the country voted for the OTHER guy last election, retard
I'm a retard? How do you know? You saw me around? You know me? What the fuck has that to do with the topic? You insult people that don't share your ideas? Can it be done, according to the rules of the Forum? Someone tell me, so that I can answer properly to this guy.
Boo hoo, we can't all be angsty teens in our Che t-shirts shaking angry fists at "The Man". You want to be taken seriously, learn to elucidate.
angsty: yes, I am
teen: no I'm not
Che t-shirt: haven't any; nice equation-> "against U.S. gov = communist!" Burn the witch!
shaking angry fist at "The Man": no, but I like to shake my penis at girls strolling down the park. My habits concern you? You a stalker?
Considering I haven't elucidated, you took a lot of conclusions about my post, as if it was perfectly clear. If it wasn't just say so. If it was improper, ignore it or tell the mods to ban me. I don't think I have insulted anyone specifically by talking about geopolitical themes. But if I did, I apologize, though I don't exactly know why, nor to who. I didn't want to offend anyone.
Hoo-ray for the US! May we long keep trouncing pricks like you into the ground beneath our jackboots and eagle wings!
Insults again, and menaces? Man, you're too nationalistic (with all due respect - but how much is due, I won't say), if you're takin this that seriously, you got issues...
welsh said:
When can you name a period in the world when the powerless didn't eat shit from the powerful? If you were in power, wouldn't it be in your interest to stay that way?
Maybe, but then let's just not discuss morals when talking about politics. It's part of the game to force people to do war if they volounteered in the army before the war started, but it's not right nor moral nor fair nor anything even remotely 'good'.
Can you agree on that?
welsh said:
Didn't get the whole "stupid religious fanatics whom you just sold a shitload of weapons" thing. Could you make more sense of it.
For exemple, the weapons sold both to Iran and Iraq during their conflict, by american istitutional sources. I was talking about that.
welsh said:
If you're point is that the US needs to see beyond it's own propaganda, and that Americans have got to be a bit more objective about itself and it's history, I'm cool with that.
Then we're cool. Cool!
Bradylama said:
A waste of humor, or a waste of my time?
I like how you made the jump from "he has no case for desertion" to "USA-ALL THE WAY! SUCK MY DICK! MAKE YOU PAY!"
Waste of both, maybe.
I realize I lacked tact and most importantly a point, perhaps. Sorry bout that.
Again, I hope nobody takes anything too personal...