
Paladin Solo

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs,2933,125165,00.html

So, Sovz, take any recent polls about America lately?

Ok, we've seen a lot of anti-American bullshit lately, some of it has points, but still. And this is why I hate the world. Call it angst, but seeing nothing but anti-everything I stand for being shown to me, and harldy anything for my side, or at least, anything for my side unheard, makes me angry, and leads me to ignorance. It's time the world try and take a look at the other side. Now, I got this article for Fox, because I am beginning to turn to Fox once again due to the reasons above, otherwise, I would've hooked you up with a CNN, MSNBC, C-Span, etc...but lately, I really don't care anymore how Fox plays to American patriotism, it's grabbing my attention by making me feel better. Or at least, not making me feel bad. So, how bad are we hated in Canada? Someone whom I thought I could always trust, or at least, not hate.

Old friends are not necessarily true friends.
Well, you got me there....tis true that about 80% of the world hates us(the other 20% being neutral). BUT do all these countries have a large selection of pointless reality shows? I THINK NOT!

I wouldn't put too much stock in Bill's segment there. He provides none of the information about the poll. Who conducted it, margin of error, the poll questions or the other responses. Sure the US has done a lot of bad things both in the present and in the past but we have also done a lot of good.

I find theis the most amusing:

America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators.

Is that after we put them into power or before?
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Well, you got me there....tis true that about 80% of the world hates us(the other 20% being neutral). BUT do all these countries have a large selection of pointless reality shows? I THINK NOT!
Most of the people who hate America just envy Americans.I don't hate America.
America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators.
It is true,but Americans tease the nations before set them free.Don't forget this

I didn't send this to MadDog -[TO]- I wasn't a member of this forum.
Oh my, not another thread about the verbal diahrrea spewed by Fucks News, leading to an anti-American discussion.

No, no.
I won't bother asking myself why is it that other countries disapprove of my country's foreign policy for the last 50 years, nor bother checking the credibility and relative objectivity of this particular news source. The news provided by other stations or news agencies just keep telling wrong stuff about my precious flag and sublime government, the evil people, I hate them. Hate it, hate the world, hate hate hate.

I'll just switch my mind off and keep waving my flag, because it makes me feel good.
Well, you got me there....tis true that about 80% of the world hates us(the other 20% being neutral). BUT do all these countries have a large selection of pointless reality shows? I THINK NOT!
Dude, a Dutchman came up with Big Brother, Fear Factor and a few other stupid reality shows. Don't take credit for something which isn't yours. ;)
Was Ist ? ? said:
Most of the people who hate America just envy Americans.I don't hate America.
Stupid. Very very stupid and ignorant.
The people who "hate" America "hate" America either because they're pissed off radicals, or because they think the USA should stop to pursue such an imperialistic policy. This has jack shit to do with envy, as people here don't envy them, but would sooner look down on Americans.

EDIT: And then there is this:
Article said:
The foreign and defense policies of Ronald Reagan (search) resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the freeing of approximately 122 million people in Eastern Europe.
I've had a pretty intense discussion with CCR about this, and I think the end result of this was (due to welsh's influence):
A) The policy was not invented by Reagan.
B) The policy in itself was not the lone cause for the destruction of the USSR, and while it may have helped, there is no evidence that the USSR would not have collapsed without it.

Article said:
The state of Israel would cease to exist if not for American protection, and about 5.5 million Jews would be in grave danger.
How about, if it weren't for American protection Israel would've long had to cease their aggressive and idiotic stance towards Palestinians a long time ago.
"What, Palestinians? Ah, who cares about them, I mean.....look at those Israelis....remember WW2?"
ALso nice here is that the article refers to Israelis as Jews, probably to emphasize the whole "They were killed by the millions! Pity them!" bit.

Article said:
Nearly 23 million Taiwanese would be denied freedom if not for American protection.
Indeed. Although it should be noted that this, again, was not benevolence, but the will to prevent the communists from gaining the upper hand.
More than 48 million South Koreans would be living under a dictatorship if not for American protection.
UN protection, if you'd please.
USA action led to the removal of the Serbian dictator Milosevic (search), who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Balkans.
BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! WHat complete and utter ignorance! Yeah, you know, there was no other country. The USA did it all by themselves....

• The USA and Britain removed the Iraqi dictator Hussein, who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East.
With an excuse that held no grounds. Instead of telling the people exactly why you were invading Iraq, or trying to convince them with "Saddam is evil" speeches, you tried to play the fears of the post-9/11 Americans to get them to approve of invasion. And now that you're there you ignore that completely, and you're also failing in rebuilding the country. Weeee. GO USA!
And we have also removed the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan.
Yep, although not by yourselves, and you did turn it into a political shithole, meaning that the USA basically only has control of two or three cities. GO USA!

America is sending $15 billion to Africa to help victims of AIDS.
Good for you.
We were unable to find out how much France contributes, if anything.
*glares* Useless....bullshit...rhetoric...
To be fair, Canada sends $270 million, which is substantial.
And, of course, much less than the USA. Maybe you want to ignore the bit where the USA has a much greater GDP and a greater work force? ANd can therefore afford to spend more. Pheh. Manipulative bastards.

American action in Central America, Grenada (search), and Haiti (search) has kept millions of people out of totalitarian regimes.
You dare to speak of Central America? YOU DARE? HAH!
Sure, no, that whole Chili thing was nothing...noooo.....

Of course, all of this has cost every American taxpayer big. And thousands of American servicepeople have lost their lives protecting people overseas.
And now we're going to play on the sympathies of people for dead people, and the fact that they're paying taxes.
You know, I could also go on about taxes....let's not.

The truth is that the USA has freed more human beings in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. France has freed almost no one. Ditto Canada.
Yeah, sure, let's completely forget all sorts of historical perspective. To give it some historical perspective:
During these 230 years the USA has only helped when it would serve their own interest. Moreover, it only started to help when the Germans tried to get the Mexicans to invade the USA during World War 2. Here it destroyed one side in favor of the other side, hurray, there were no oppressed people to free.
Afterwards the USA withdrew unto its solitary continent, and did nothing until attacked in World War 2. At that point they helped wipe out the Hitler regime and the Japanese empire, but they did so out of self-defense, not out of benevolence. The Canadians, by the way, were also fighting, and the French were occupied so they couldn't fight.
And, moreover, having freed these peoples, they gave up about half of them to Stalin to satisfy the Stalinist beast. GO USA!
Then they again looked after themselves through a lot of different actions, trying to stop socialism and communism wherever it arose, and installing the odd dictator, while overthrowing some regimes as well.
America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators. Canada should be ashamed that so many of its young people are flat out ignorant. And Americans should wise up and realize we are living in a changing world. Old friends are not necessarily true friends.
Haha. Right. This man seems to be unable to see the fact that a lot of people dislike the USA BECAUSE they know the facts. Stupid biased news source.
What do the Americans have that the Canadians don't?

GREAT NEIGHBORS! Hahahahahaaaaa. I kid, I kid.
Sander, you could also mention that your country sends the biggest aid to third-world countries in the world: $3.3 Billion *per year*.

Oh, and Dubyah cut much of the cure for AIDS and help fundings, IIRC.
i was goign to make a comment, but i decided that commenting on something made by Fox News was not worth my time.
Paladin Solo said:
So, Sovz, take any recent polls about America lately?

Nope, but it warms my heart to see that you care so much about my opinion in Fox polls :lol:

Paladin Solo said:
Ok, we've seen a lot of anti-American bullshit lately

And I’ve see a lot of American bullshit in the past few years, so?

Paladin Solo said:
And this is why I hate the world.
Dont hate the world, hate yourself :wink:

Paladin Solo said:
I stand for being shown to me, and harldy anything for my side, or at least, anything for my side unheard, makes me angry, and leads me to ignorance. It's time the world try and take a look at the other side. Now, I got this article for Fox

Fox.... :lol: :roll: no comment
I think the real problem with this issue is a poorly developed concept of "evil."

What constitutes evil? Profiting off of others? Everybody does that. Its called "Capitalism" and its essentially a perpetual system of benefits that people receive from each other. A more accurate definition of evil in this sense, would be someone who profits from an unequal trade off of another person.

Even then, you can't really call such a situation to be true evil in the capitalistic sense. Markets fluctuate and prices change to meet the value of a good or service. In capitalism no trade is unequal, unless you have a monopoly which marks a good well above its actual value.

True evil can only be applied to individuals which cause harm or suffering to others for the sake of it. In other words, sadists.

No nation is inherently evil, because nations can't be evil. Governments fight for their own survival, and generally take actions to ensure their preservation. What may be evil to the people of Kirblakia is a vital trade route to the people of Googlymoogly.

Evil is a concept that can only be applied to individuals, and not abstracts like countries. The same with good.

Keep in mind that these kids described the United States as "evil." Not bad, evil.

The poll was conducted via telephone.
That's like saying Quebec can secede from Canada. They may both suck, but they don't deserve it, by damnit!

Though, arguably the Texans have a more legitimate claim for independance than the Quebecois. >_>
Indeed the f'ing quebekers can (insert rude comment here).

I'm born Canadian, and i'll stay Canadian.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Quebeckers the pro-english French Canadians? Quebecois is usually something associated with members of the Bloc Quebecois.