Canceled Darth Maul game might come back

I'm in the club of people who were raised by StarWars and have hated it since 1999.

I feel the same, especially after I have been reading a lot of older Star Wars stuff in these last couple of weeks such as Classic Star Wars by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson, the Han Solo Adventures by Brian Daley, the West End Gaming RPG modules, and now the Heir to the Empire trilogy by Timothy Zahn. (after some others talked about how the Hand of Thrawn duology was not as good or strong as the TTT, I had to check for myself again and I do have to agree it is somewhat weaker in many aspects, the Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade sub story was probably my favorite part).

The Prequel Trilogy in my opinion really had inconsistent story telling, parts that really did not feel good, to many underdeveloped characters or bad characterization (I have have been discussing this with a friend who is more of a die hard SW fan, but I still find Anakin Solo and Padme Amidala badly written along with many other characters), very thin plot devices (also no explanation to casual watchers what for example a Sith is), and to much geared towards kids in general, and selling merchandise. (now that last is not new, it happened also with the OT, but this time it felt that the movies were more done to support that than actually telling a good or at least acceptable story)

What bugs more a lot more is how it actually affected the Expanded Universe later, much like with Fallout us fans or the writers had to fill in the plot holes that Lucas left in his 'epic trilogy' rather than adding material to it. (why the old Republic is so different from its depictions in older material, how the rise of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were possible, why the timeline is suddenly so different, why the Jedi Order is now suddenly an order of abstinent monks where as in the past there have been couples, and so many other parts)

Even more, there was suddenly this 'drive' to make Star Wars more mature and serious. Now I admit there has been some material that really did not fit with the rest of the universe (a lot of the original Marvel Star Wars run) to the point that it was ridiculous or even moronic, but then there was a sudden shift to making everything as serious as possible as well as focusing more and more on the Jedi/Force users.
Now before that of course things weren't always better (the writers working for Bantam had a tendency to focus on the New Republic vs the Empire which after a while became rather tiresome, especially as new Imperial warlords and super weapons came popping up) but there was a still a bit of the old style sci fi serials on which Lucas based the Original Trilogy.
Now the Star Wars universe seems to be actually boring if it does not focus on Jedi or galactic wars. The idea of a couple of characters or small group of adventurers going around on adventure without it impacting the galaxy at large seems to have fallen out of favor.

I agree with Hassknecht that there has been some good material released after the Prequels, but most of the material I like seems to take all its inspiration from the original trilogy rather than the prequels; the Jedi Knight games, the Knights of the Old Republic games (ignoring TOR which basically seems to be like a mix of Star Wars movie elements DONE TO THE EXTREME!!!!!)
But in general I have found a lot of the published stories more and more soulless products made by the Star Wars merchandise machine.

It sadly has become so far that I can not even read a comic any more that I would normally enjoy if it has any reference to the Prequel Trilogy (a character, a plot device, heck just the appearance of some of the vehicles or droid army stuff puts me off :( )

I have to agree with Disney that perhaps getting rid of the old Expanded Universe was perhaps better but I wish that that also included getting rid of the Prequel Trilogy and the stupid Clone Wars cartoon.
Also I really don't think that Disney is going to do any better with Star Wars 7, the fact that Abrams, the guy who IMO basically helped put the final nail in Star TRek's coffin is working on this (I read somewhere he actually worked on the script) is taking away my confidence.

[spoilers]Apparently there is an Empire again (called the New Order) who control a super weapon capable of destroying star systems, there is an opposite movement fighting these guys with the goal of restoring freedom (now called the Resistance), the Jedi are mostly gone (gone into hiding or almost been exterminated) and there is an order of Darksiders who happen not to be called a Sith. And somewhere on a desert planet a young person comes across information that will send her on a journey of adventure, self discovery, and personal growth[/spoilers]

I have just read the part again in which Palleon talks with Thrawn about the instability of the earlier clones during the Clone Wars when the fleet faced them. I want to see those Clone Wars. (not just the part about clones, but these conflicts as they were originally thought to be like)
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Since the Clone Wars series is cannon now, Maul is potentially alive out there. Sidious did not kill him, he killed Savage but not Maul.
Since the Clone Wars series is cannon now, Maul is potentially alive out there. Sidious did not kill him, he killed Savage but not Maul.

This is true, but if I am understanding Red Fly's intentions they still want to make a Darth Maul origin game, before Episode 1. They want to start the game out with Maul age 9 to 10, and go from their.

I mean I will take about any Darth Maul game though, id haft to be pretty bad for me not to like it.
I'm fairly optimistic about the new Star Wars for various reasons. Harrison Ford alone brings a lot to the movies not to mention Mark Hamill. I'm not a rabid Abrams hater like many (Star Trek) people are so that might be some of it. Sure, the lens flare got a bit old (Thanks Kojima/s) with some of his work, but he got the point. The problem with Star Wars is some fans absorb every bit of material they can, burning themselves out on what is actually good. I'm not a fan of the various animated/CG cartoons they have had, the Prequels, comics, or much of the Expanded Universe, but other things I have very fond memories of. I remember buying the huge Star Wars Encyclopedia when I was in Middle School. One of the few books from my youth that I still own today.

I think Force Awakens has the right visual flair. It feels more like Star Wars than any of the Prequel movies ever did. It looks real instead of all CG. The story intrigues me especially since I have not followed any of the marketing for the film. That being said, slightly more on topic, the Darth Maul game they had planned never appealed to me. Star War 1313 sounded likes something interesting but they want to appeal to kids and young adults to fuel the marketing machine. Now that Darth Maul has been used in the new Star War universe they are more interested in making this game again?
Is it sad that the only Star Wars movie I saw was Star Wars III in theatres?


I'm fairly optimistic about the new Star Wars for various reasons. Harrison Ford alone brings a lot to the movies not to mention Mark Hamill. I'm not a rabid Abrams hater like many (Star Trek) people are so that might be some of it. Sure, the lens flare got a bit old (Thanks Kojima/s) with some of his work, but he got the point. The problem with Star Wars is some fans absorb every bit of material they can, burning themselves out on what is actually good. I'm not a fan of the various animated/CG cartoons they have had, the Prequels, comics, or much of the Expanded Universe, but other things I have very fond memories of. I remember buying the huge Star Wars Encyclopedia when I was in Middle School. One of the few books from my youth that I still own today.

I think Force Awakens has the right visual flair. It feels more like Star Wars than any of the Prequel movies ever did. It looks real instead of all CG. The story intrigues me especially since I have not followed any of the marketing for the film. That being said, slightly more on topic, the Darth Maul game they had planned never appealed to me. Star War 1313 sounded likes something interesting but they want to appeal to kids and young adults to fuel the marketing machine. Now that Darth Maul has been used in the new Star War universe they are more interested in making this game again?

Yea 1313 I don't know if that is coming back or not, I have not looked into it.

I will say that is one of the three things that I am worried about for the Darth Maul game. They will think its too violent, and dark for kids even though its not going to be presented as a kids game to EA. Then two, its from Episode 1, when the focus is now on the new Star Wars, and three its too much about the Dark Side, the Sith, etc.

Its a pipe dream game for me like 1313 is a pipe dream game for others. Though id personally like to play 1313 as well, I am far more excited about the actual chance that the canceled Darth Maul game might come back.
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