[Cannibal: Eat Baby]


You Have Alerted the Horse
So this thread is about your favorite morally ambiguous (or straight up evil) NV or TTW decisions, and your mental gymnastics for defending them (a defense is required :) )

I’ll start: I eat Baby Marie in the Pitt mod that allows you to do so, because she’s the only food you don’t have to hunt.

Think about it: even Pre-War food is usually surrounded by Raiders. It’s a fight to survive, or a hunt at the very least. It follows then, that a starving Lone Wanderer, particularly a Tenpenny-aligned one (but not necessarily), would devour Baby Marie simply on the grounds of her being free food, ESPECIALLY to a cannibal.

Mortimer would be proud.
Killed NCR ranger for their cool armor.

Defense: I wanted it. 15 year old me had no conscience.

It's actually funnier that you not only did that Arthur, but went looking for a mod to do it. Fucking hell.
Killed NCR ranger for their cool armor.

Defense: I wanted it. 15 year old me had no conscience.

It's actually funnier that you not only did that Arthur, but went looking for a mod to do it. Fucking hell.
Oh, I know you’ve got more evil in you, friend. Just gotta coax it out.

And yeah, because if I’m gonna kill kids I might as well feast upon their flesh too.

EDIT: this thread is gonna put me on a fucking watchlist
In Cottonwood Cove, you can free the Weathers family from slavery but set their bomb collars to explode as they make a run for it.

Defense: I wanted to spite Frank. No I don't need a better reason than spite.
Defense: I wanted to spite Frank. No I don't need a better reason than spite.
Ha! My question is what Frank said or did to warrant the spite; for all we know that’s a perfectly adequate defense!
A true cannibal would be a 'survival of the fittest' and be quoting Ragnar Redbeard endlessly. "It has taken countless evolutionary epochs to make man what he is, the most ferocious hirsute beast of prey that inhabits the caverns and jungles of earth." Not some greasy schmuck looking for a free meal.
I’ve seen documentaries on tribal cannibals, they don’t look very enlightened to me :lol:
Damn. Even more tribal hate up in here. Unpersons now. The vault dweller has been downgraded to almost human.
So if you ate them would it still be cannibalism?
Speaking of people, have any of you tried that soylent drink yet? It's not bad, but def not great either.
I have not. I’ve heard it’s chalky.
They're humans so it would still be cannibalism, I just wouldn't consider them 'people'.
Oooh, toeing the line of what is considered a person. Dodgy dodgy...

Personally, I think human-ness is what makes an act cannibalism. A “soul“ or even personality isn’t required. Eating a comatose person is still a crime against nature lol
Speaking of people, have any of you tried that soylent drink yet? It's not bad, but def not great either.
I don't drink based-boi juice no.

Oooh, toeing the line of what is considered a person. Dodgy dodgy...

Personally, I think human-ness is what makes an act cannibalism. A “soul“ or even personality isn’t required. Eating a comatose person is still a crime against nature lol
It's all cannibalism, I was merely stating that I don't expect uneducated heathens to know about 'survival of the fittest' type of beliefs much less how to read. You made a false equivalency.
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Gay, soy eating tribals with a preference for bottoming.

What are our thoughts guys?
They're useless and only good for making into pack mules and dog chow as the Legion march through their territory.

Now that I think about it, I would have liked to see a more in-depth look into the cult of mars. Maybe human sacrifices, pre-battle rituals, etcetera. Just another portion of the legion that needed fleshing out.

Legion Art 1.jpg
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Are legion supporters aware of how gay Rome was? Ever heard of Saturnalia? Basically a giant city wide orgy where masters and servants would trade places (but not always). It's where Christmas came from, or at least one of the major influences.

Gladiators were vegetarians too.

A major reason why Rome was so successful was that whenever they conquered an area they left the culture intact and made seats in the senate so the new province was a distigushed member of Rome with it's own voice so to speak.

Pretty fucked up still, but not nearly as fashy as New Vegas' Legion.
Maybe the legion we see in Vegas is as extreme as it is since it's a forward operating military force?
Are legion supporters aware of how gay Rome was? Ever heard of Saturnalia? Basically a giant city wide orgy where masters and servants would trade places (but not always). It's where Christmas came from, or at least one of the major influences.
I saw that episode of boondocks too.
Are legion supporters aware of how gay Rome was?
Isn't that the joke? Caesar based the legion on all he could find on ancient Rome. That doesn't mean he knows everything about Rome but even if he did why do they only worship mars, why isn't there a primus pilus? If he knows everything about Rome, then it is clear that he is scrapping everything that doesn't suit his goals. The goal being to unite the wasteland under one banner and to do that he believes he only needs his Legion.
Also, his anti-homo stance could be seen as a way to increase birth rates as he needs his legion to grow.
Gladiators were vegetarians too.
That's because they were running on a purely survival physique, not focusing on perfecting the human form, but not getting cleaved in two by a fellow gladiator.
Well, you might do it to improve their battlefield performance. The Vienna team posits that the fighters ate weight-gaining foods because extra fat created a layer of bodily protection. Nerve endings would have been less exposed, and bleeding cuts would have been less perilous. As an added benefit, the extra, protective layer of fat would have created a more satisfying spectacle: The gladiators could sustain wounds and gush blood, but, because the wounds were shallow, they could keep on fighting.

A major reason why Rome was so successful was that whenever they conquered an area they left the culture intact and made seats in the senate so the new province was a distigushed member of Rome with it's own voice so to speak.
Yet their military, which the Legion is, were very strict and when training their army a legionary is trained according to their role.