Cannibal Poll 1

If your found the person you loved was a cannibal would you-

  • Ignore it and go on with life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • End the relationship but not reveal the secret

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Continue the relationship as is and hope to spend your days in the relationship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Continue but go to bed heavily armed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • be experimental with your diet

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ratty said:
But to answer the question, I would dump her ass faster than a boeing 747 ejects shit from a toilet.
They eject shit from the toilet???

Nope. But in this case it would be a good idea.

Welsh said:
"how far would you be willing to go for someone you really loved?"

If she really had a very good reason to commit the crime, like self-defense or something like that I would help her. But if her crime was motived by something futile or greed I would call the cops.
QF- I don't eat pork. Unclean animal. It eats shit. And yes, I'd eat a dog if I had too, because a dog is different. Dog's have personality.

EyeMaster- I have to agree with Extreme Ryno. It may be a crime in your culture but it might not be a crime in her culture. Furthermore the concept and understanding of love might be more profound in her culture than in your own.

That said I would also think that if she's wandering about the neighborhood eating children, it might cause problems in the long term. Perhaps to counsel her to eat only people she trapped might be better, thus she doesn't get caught.

Does it make a difference if she eats your neighbor or some homeless dude or some criminal?

ANd note - there is a down side. Note that there is an implicit likelihood of bad things occurring if the relationship would go badly.

Oh, and yes, there will be a cannibal poll 2.
EyeMaster- I have to agree with Extreme Ryno. It may be a crime in your culture but it might not be a crime in her culture. Furthermore the concept and understanding of love might be more profound in her culture than in your own.
Okay, this is a bit silly. Would you allow murders if they were part of a foreign culture?
Yes, I know that's very extreme, but you'll have to consider the following:
Those dead most probably would not want their bodies eaten if they were still alive. With the person being dead and all, I think you should respect that wish, if only out of respect.
Hell, don't they say pig flesh is the closest thing to human flesh? But remember, animals also eat us, so the knife cuts both ways.
Well the eucharist is the "body of christ" right?

As for foreign cultures- while most cultures have rules and norms against murder, some cultures have engaged in cannibalism. So it depends on your culture. Perhaps some people might feel that by eating the homeless dude, you are giving his life more meaning.

As for pork and human flesh- hey they don't call man the "the 'other other white meat' for nothing."
I have always wondered about the whole pigs eat shit thing. Do they actively go around and scarf up all the shit they can find, or is eating it just a by-product of their foraging method?

Cause if its the latter, that wouldn't be too bad; consider that everytime you touch something, then use your hands to hold a sandwich or whatever, you are eating shit too, just not as much of it.