Cannibal Poll 1

If your found the person you loved was a cannibal would you-

  • Ignore it and go on with life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • End the relationship but not reveal the secret

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Continue the relationship as is and hope to spend your days in the relationship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Continue but go to bed heavily armed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • be experimental with your diet

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Mohrg, change your sig back :P

And Welsh, you forgot the "shoot her and eat her" option.
Ok, let's say the people are dead already. Would that make the critical difference?

ALso the key question is, would the danger of going out with a cannibal overcome love?
Could love overcome cannibalism?
Hmm... I guess so, but only with certain people. Think Bonny and Clyde. Some women will stick with their men, even if they know he raped and murdered. Some men will stick with their wives, even if they know she killed her previous husband or whatever. I guess love can conquer loads of things, but in such cases 'influence' becomes very important. How much (mental) control does the cannibal have over the partner? Weak personalities will be much easier prey in such cases. You know: lonesome people, sad people, people who have lost more than they gained in life, abused people, and so on.

Regular, Western people would most probably freak out and go to the cops. They'd also get a new lock and a double barreled shotgun, methinks.

I'd hit it, though, but that's because I'm desperate. :roll:
Whoa, looks like somebody doesn't like copy-cuts :D

Be quiet or I'll drive up north and chew yer balls off. :P

And Blade, the thesis about mind-controlling cannibal Vampas may be good for a 50's style pulp or B-flick scenario.

Reminds me of Vampyria from "Plan 9 from outer space".
Wooz69 said:
And Blade, the thesis about mind-controlling cannibal Vampas may be good for a 50's style pulp or B-flick scenario.

I'm not talking about mind-control, Wooz (although it'd be a neat feature). I'm just saying that only certain people would be able to accept a cannibal-girlfriend. I can't see a perfectly healthy, attractive and intelligent youngman marry a female cannibal very soon. But really lonesome people, twisted people, abused people... Why not?

I'd be really afraid every time we'd have oral sex. Talk about feeling teeth...

Oh, I found a solution.
Kick all her teeth out and continue with her, tenderly loving each other, having a home of your very own, happy and having fun, all the tiiiimeee.

Hyuk hyuk hyuk.
welsh said:
Ok, let's say the people are dead already. Would that make the critical difference?
Sure it would, at least she's not killing them. I still wouldn't date her though. Blæh!..
If you truly loved this (almost) perfect woman, you would not be able to hurt her or leave her. Sure you might have to resort to referring her to counselling, but it would be worth the money, if she truly was just a tiny bit insane.

I wonder what the kids would be like.........
Even though her consuming of human flesh would come to an end. I would never be able to live with this woman, knowing that she used to eat people.
Why would you assume she's insane?

There have been people who consumed human flesh. Many Christians do it symbolically when they consume the eucharist at church. For her this could be a deep religious experience.

And would it matter who she ate? For instance if she consumed drug dealers or other criminal elements, would this be so bad?
Wooz69 said:
Mohrg, change your sig back :P

And Welsh, you forgot the "shoot her and eat her" option.

Ya, I didn't like that sig too much anyways....pfft!

Someone think that was copied? Nah, all my clown stuff is orignal. Only the pic was copied...Bawha!

Mohrg :twisted:
Better sig.

At least there aren't any pseudo-tag characters in it :P
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
welsh, no truth in this in your life I hope.........

Turn 'em in. No two ways about it.

You know, every once in a while someone I know will ask me, "Hey, how could you have married that cannibal."

To which I answer, "You just don't know how sweet she really is."

Well, it's that and the wicked side of her nature.

I think in life we often make compromises, very strong moral compromises for the people we love. We might protect someone we care about even if we know the person is a murderer. We might even help that person escape a worse fate.

The question can also be thought of as, "how far would you be willing to go for someone you really loved?"
Well, if that's your base question, I have to say it depends on how sympathetic I feel. If it's a crime that I could relate too, I would protect someone I loved, if I felt it was alien to my nature, I couldn't protect them (though I might not report them to the police, just let them go off on their own).
In that case I would also try to judge her but would have great difficulty, seeing that I do not have any idea what effect true love would have on my behavior. (I'm still an idealistic youngin') People have done amazing things to protect their families.

Another little question. Pigs have been found to be more intelligent than many breeds of dog. Does that mean you will be more guilty about eating pork than beef?