Captain Quinn - FMF

dude! They made Brother None!

Actually I think it looks quite good, why isnt it fallout-ish? Reminds my of a deathlands book I read where there was a town that was sort of a post-apoc whaling town
looks falloutish to me... he has an eye scarred closed which reinforces there isnt advanced medical treatment, he isnt clean shaven and clean cut, from the limited clothing we can see they do appear to be rough and not clean like new-reno was.
It's the captain Ahab motif that's throwing people off, but it does make a modicum of sense (remember the tanker captain?). I see little wrong, and it's graphically incredibly well done.
Nicely detailed. The beard beneath the lower lip is looking kinda funky, though.

Also, where is the mandatory pipe?
Y'all might also want to know that the actual deadline for the demo is the 31st of december. Odds are it will be respected... :)
I like it. But it would be better, to see him ingame. : P
He looks like a salty, old seacaptain who operates maybe a ferry you can use to cross some body of water not to mention tell you stories about all the strange creatures that probably now dwell in the new post-apocalyptic waters. Very nice.

The Vault Dweller
Wild_qwerty said:
sorry to the FMF team but I keep thinking "Captain Quinn - medicine women"

:shock: :lol:

Maybe he has a hot younger wife? Yeah, that's it. She just happens to be a doctor also. It could happen.