Cencorship and the Internet.

Wooz said:
Don't forget Iran.
At the time the incidents began occuring, Egypt was explicitely named as the only other country that had imprisoned someone on grounds of making an objectionable post on Facebook.

Though it could be that they simply forgot to mention Iran. Or maybe mullahs banned Facebook. Or the Internet.
Crni Vuk said:
Can we then stop as well talking about "copy right laws" and protection when that was just a example. It is not about copy rights. It is about how easy certain platforms can be changed to not allow some area access to certain informations. It has nothing to do with copyrights. It could have been something else, completely political (which has been removed from you tube sometimes as well ...).

But it is a really bad example. It is a legal matter of copyright that lead to "censorship" of certain videos that weren't supposed to be public domain in the first place. Who decides what public domain is? In this particular case its the artists through the gema. In any other cases that don't touch on specific laws, "freedom of speech" applies. Of course the access can be restricted easily, but it is just as easy to revert or bypass these restrictions. This article proves this point very well in conclusion, and shows that the populace isn't indifferent and in danger to give in to totalitarian tendencies. You really should lay off the Orwell, its messing with your head.

And please don't get me wrong, standing for this cause and creating awareness is great, I read that you can even participate actively by hosting verboten stuff if you feel like it. Just don't cry wolf every time you see a rat.
Crni Vuk said:
You ever had issues with the GEZ?

Nope, they always write me scary letters, but I am so scared that I have to let go of the paper and it somehow always ends up in my trashbin :P
Iridium L said:
But it is a really bad example...
Why is it a bad example?

Tell me one thing. Would you think it would be "right" to prohibit programms like Bittorent, Vuze or the networks for example and punish people for using them?

Again. This isnt about the meaning behind Copyrightlaws.
Just to give you guys a heads up (not that somebody would care): it actually gets worse. Childpornography is used to censor the internet and get some votes. Poor Germany, I once believed in you
Thats actually no news since YT is blocked for over a month (wrote about it as thread started). reason is a video from the tibetan exil government. block of yt is, for chinese standards, really effectiv
Many of my friends in China didn't even know why the Youtube stopped working.

But majority of them usually use YouKu instead of Youtube.....so they barely feel a sting or didn't even care.
JunWisewar said:
Many of my friends in China didn't even know why the Youtube stopped working.

But majority of them usually use YouKu instead of Youtube.....so they barely feel a sting or didn't even care.

Yeah, thats what I am using. Still, it doesn't have the depth of youtube.

The strange thing is Youtube was blocked a month ago, unblocked for about a week (this a week after the Tibetan monks were beaten) and then blocked again, after the Chinese government announced they knew nothing of a a block, and after they said they had nothing to fear, so very strange. It's almost as if they hesitated.

The majority of chinese students don't care, and many even agree the media should be controlled should sensitive, 'destabilizing' information become available. Go figure...
Chancellor Kremlin said:
The strange thing is Youtube was blocked a month ago, unblocked for about a week

actually it was unblocked for only a day, 8 days after the first block started.
Yesterday evening Nokia bought youku for a short period of time, so everybody had to watch some sort of shitty concert. I think that moment people started to care more about yt.
From what I hear germany has a real hard-on for this stuff. It does suck, but I can't say I have experienced it really. At least we still have the internet instead of it being banned all together.