Che PiPé

Better yet, keep only the layer with the black parts, make your PNG transparent-capable, and print it on a red shirt.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Arachnivore, I'm planning on printing a T-shirt for myself using your wonderful pic, do you have any objections?

Well... I was hoping to make millions from T-shirt sales. What with all the ravenous fans in this forum :wink:

No, I have no objections. In fact, I'd like to see how it looks. Are you planning on adding any text? I couldn't think of anything clever.

[Edit] Thanks Wooz.[/Edit]
clever = smart.

cleaver = big fucking knife to chop meat, usually used by butchers.

Wooz said:
Che Guevara T-Shirts are so 1995 RATM concert.

Yes, but Pip Guevara T-Shirts are a timeless symbol of a fight against big bussines oppression.

Arachnivore said:
No, I have no objections. In fact, I'd like to see how it looks. Are you planning on adding any text? I couldn't think of anything clever.

Thanks a lot, mang.

I thought about adding a big 13 on the back but I'm too cheap to pay extra for it.

On a side note I swore that if a chick recognises it I'm marrying her on the spot (uhm... provided a priest or a ship captain are near.)

I'll try and post pics.
Eh, I might do it. Will cost me about 14 euros at the local shirt printer (including shirt), so hey, what the hell.

Text: When the bombs fell...

And then something about revolution. Heh.
I was thinking about something along the lines of "Viva Guerra" because of the whole "war never changes" line and it looks like "Viva Guevara". But that really makes less sense the more I think about it.
Glittering gems of hatred

for the love of this forum.
How about;

''It is not just a simple game, it is a weapon of the revolution.''

"Better to die standing, than to live on your knees.”

“It's a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.”

All quotes attributable to Che himself.
Thinking as argentinian,i don't think that using Che`s image in a Fallout T-Shirt ir right... he always tryed to stop fascism and oppression... and in fallout 1 and in "tactics" you must "work" for the BOS... a fascist, and racist faction :? .
But as a Fallout fan... I WANT ONE!!! : :lol:
Congrats, that's the most uneducated post I've read in months.

1) The BOS is only a violent, fascist and expansionist faction in Fallout: Ticktacks, which didn't adhere to Fallout 1's canon. The BOS is Fallout 1 was a mostly self-centered, isolationist group.

2) One of the little facts unknown about The Fabulous Che Guevara is that he was responsible for political prisoners' concentration camps in Cuba. "Fight opression" my ass.

Have a Clue Sandwich before boasting declarations like that.
Che, like Lenin, had the marked historical advantage of dying before their full evil was revealed. Both were evil, evil men.
In any way, here:

Sorry for the bloom effect on the pic and the general suckiness but I had to use a crappy camera.

Anyway, it's not bad, the image looks small this way but it's perfect when you actually wear the thing. In the end it all cost me around 10€ including the t-shirt itself. (The tards charged me 5€ for converting the .png into Corel curves)
no, this print on a top over finely shaped boobs will do. maybe on a set of underwear?
Wooz said:
cleaver = big fucking knife to chop meat, usually used by butchers.


Sorry, couldn't help it.

Also, DDD, I'm happy for your T-shirt, but why, oh why didn't you go with red?