John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes

The first shows the Tartars as being mindless, genocidal sub-human Asiatics: ironically, very close to the way the Germans portrayed the Russians in film.I take it he's referring to the second "Ivan the Terrible" film Eisenstein made after the war, which he used as a personal critique of Stalin (Grozny gets all paranoyed and purges stuff). Though was this has to do with genocide in the caucasus we can only begin to imagine.
The USSR had more rascism then most of the west during it's entire exsistance.
They diverted German material and manpower and leadership to North Africa and got attention off the Russians.And the Americans kicked them out and retook Stalingrad?
Dude, not what I meant, I know there is a diffirence, a pretty big one. My point is that Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists can both be called Socialists, making it pretty damn confusing.Whoa, hey, WHOOOOAAAA, HORSEY! Back up there.
I could, if there where one or two bad apples. But as it is, every apple is bad.But then you're not longer judging his ideology, your judging people's adaptation of his ideology.
Can you see the difference?
The French revolution works as Autogenocide, but not that many died during the Civil War compared to the Napoleonic Wars or the Russian Civil War.Unless we should start judging the auto-genicidal capitalist regimes in the world's history. I mean, even the French Revolution, the American Revolution and Civil War, the Boer War and other gems of Western history, we're still stuck with the Taliban, current Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. etc.
Totalitarianism is the opposite, and practical Communism is totalitarianism."Yes, but not all of them are auto-genicidal." That's because some of them are democratic. Maybe democracy is the answer to it all, but democracy isn't the opposite of communism.
I've already adressed this. If the Soviets where collapsing like Hitler's regiem, we would have seen a similar rate of autogenocide. And he already killed more.Ignoring post-Stalin numbers, which only makes the comparison better for you, that's 29 million deaths in 36 years for the Russian communists, and 25 million deaths for Hitler in 8 years. Or .8 million deaths a year for the communists and 3.1 million deaths a year for the nazis.
And it's mighty cute of you to equalize population numbers for China but not for the Reich: the Germans killed 25 million from all over Europe, Lenin and Stalin killed 29 Million from the USSR.
Also, if you want to compare numbers relitivley, Democratic Kampuchea takes the gold.