Chief Hanlon *possible spoilers*


First time out of the vault
I'm interested to see what choices people made regarding his fate at the conclusion of Return to Sender.

Personally, I told him that I was going to turn him in and he shot himself (totally wasn't expecting that). But if I understand right, his goal was to pull the NCR rangers out of the Dam in the final battle. So did anyone let him off? What happened during the battle? Were the rangers gone?
Actually, I think if you turn him in, nothing will be changed, there will be many trooper on the dam. Heard from a friend this will be hard for you to battle on NCR side on dam.

If you keep it as secret, he will lead Ranger to the dam, and die with his Rangers.

He said the Ranger is better trained compares to the trooper, if trooper defend the dam too many people will die, he think the dam will be lost any way, so he will take all Rangers, fight on the dam for a honor death, and the troopers will live on...

He is a poor guy lost his faith, he don't think NCR will win, and he is tired with politics, he don't want his beloved soldiers die as a number to the high up guys. To those politics, 500 death is no different to 1000 or 5000 death, it's a number.
Yeah, I would have let him live but I wanted that Ranger Sequoia he was packin'. Gotta make those tough decisions sometimes.
I will turn him in

His last words is really touching, really break my heart...

Reminds me my grandpa...
korindabar said:
Yeah, I would have let him live but I wanted that Ranger Sequoia he was packin'. Gotta make those tough decisions sometimes.
God damnit, this is pretty much me at all times.

"So I see you have a unique weapon there, buddy? And you're not gonna give it to me peacefully? Well, why don't I just MURDER YOU"
I let him keep on with his plan, since I was independent and wanted the NCR and Ceasar both gone after battle...

He lived, retired, and then ran and won election as a Senator to battle corruption in the NCR.

I think it might be the best ending he gets (No Gods, No Monsters; Agree to keep quiet about the misinformation campaign earlier)
Personally, I told him that I was going to turn him in and he shot himself (and totally was expecting that).

To be honest, I had no sympathy for him whatsoever. What he did was treason. He played god and got people killed, then took the coward's way out.
Heh, I tried turning him in, but that old geezer splattered his brain on the wall. So I did what any self-respecting wastelander would - took his gun and clothes. It's kind of sad... Did his rangers bury him in his underwear?

He got off easy. I would have loved to see him getting court-marshaled and shot by a firing squad.
Still, it was one of my favorite moments in the game.
Only thing I regret I couldnot put the bullet to his head personaly WH40K style; all the high command deserved this for their incompatance. After serving the NCR fist time I almost done Ceasar way... untill they forced me to back the canibals. :wtf: And I had to stole Ranger Seqoia for my trouble after the completion of this quest. :oops: Rather epic epilogue for basicly lot of Fed-ex but It didn't got any repercusions gamewide even in end credits.
If I recall correctly.

[spoiler:8946e6c3b6]Not turning Hanlon in results in him resigning his position and becoming a widely supported senator in the NCR who frequently rallies against the expansionist policies that had them in the Mojave in the first place.[/spoiler:8946e6c3b6]
I found him out, but I decided not to turn him in after telling him what I knew.

After this, he thought it would be honourable to die alongside his fellow ranger in the battle, he died, but apparently this action saved many lives in the battle.
Forbidden said:
Personally, I told him that I was going to turn him in and he shot himself (and totally was expecting that).

To be honest, I had no sympathy for him whatsoever. What he did was treason. He played god and got people killed, then took the coward's way out.

All leaders and politicians play god.

What Hanlon was trying to do was prevent anymore men from dying in a needless war against the Legion, more specifically his rangers by sending them in a wild goose chase around the Mojave away from the frontline.

He understood that the Legion wouldn't stop even if the NCR prevailed against them at Hoover Dam. The only option would then be to launch an invasion into Legion territory, which would end in disaster for the already badly outstretched NCR leading to more deaths and problems.

Hanlon displayed incredible foresight and when I played the NCR the first time I saw the wisdom behind his decision and kept my mouth shut as if nothing had happened.
I also regretted that the revolver... sorry I mean Hanlon killed himself, if I knew he would of gun then I would of really big awesome looking gun him instead of man that's a damn nice gun.
Alphadrop said:
I also regretted that the revolver... sorry I mean Hanlon killed himself, if I knew he would of gun then I would of really big awesome looking gun him instead of man that's a damn nice gun.

Yeah I really kind of just wanted the gun.... That whole quest left me feeling a little dirty inside afterwards.
ncr_insurgent said:
That whole quest left me feeling a little dirty inside afterwards.

It really is a nice Fallout-style grey morality. If you do the "legal" or "right" thing the man dies. But if you do the "evil" thing he goes on to be successful and does a lot of good in the world.

It's sort of like Junktown in FO1, where Gizmo would make it a very successful city while Kilian would turn it into sort of a dictatorship in the name of order.
Little Robot said:
It really is a nice Fallout-style grey morality. If you do the "legal" or "right" thing the man dies. But if you do the "evil" thing he goes on to be successful and does a lot of good in the world.

It's sort of like Junktown in FO1, where Gizmo would make it a very successful city while Kilian would turn it into sort of a dictatorship in the name of order.

Primm is another example of this, but the outcome is not that bad if you look at the epilogue.
It is possible to talk him out of spreading false info if you killed Ceasar before, so I just did so before finishing this quest :P
Bableves said:
It is possible to talk him out of spreading false info if you killed Ceasar before, so I just did so before finishing this quest :P

:clap: That's the good quest design, C&C and replayability; First I played NCR Snoper turned vigilante so coudn't take him off the hook he was traitor to me and barely hold my self from putting the bullet into his head personaly (Curtis didn't had such luck); As legion frumentari I purposely let him be; he died a good death in outro :twisted: Looks like i missed a few intresting options but playing without any WT or hints is much more intresting anyway. I'll wait for patched vesion with all DLCs to make perfect run.