ok so i recently replayed F3, last time i just did megaton and some other quests and then my HDD crashed, anyway this time i explored and found the ghouls called chinese ramnants and i was like WTF!?, first why they are still fighting for a lost cause after 200 years?? and why you cant (no matter what) speak with them?
I was already dissapointed by the game knew that there were a ALOT of inconsistencies in F3 but this one doesnt seems to have been discussed.
i would like to know what you guys think.
btw if more things like this come up i will probably ditch the game
I was already dissapointed by the game knew that there were a ALOT of inconsistencies in F3 but this one doesnt seems to have been discussed.
i would like to know what you guys think.
btw if more things like this come up i will probably ditch the game