Still Mildly Glowing

Not sure how common this knowledge is, but it's a pretty rare find in this game, so I thought i would let y'all know where it is.
Go to Hoover Dam, but don't go in the visitor center, just keep walking down the path until you come to the 2nd tower on the right. Go in that door and make your way through the tunnels until you come to a dead end that has a door with radioactive warning signs on it.
In this room, is a bunch of radiocative barrels and on the far left side of the room is a stack of wooden crates. All the crates are empty except 1. This one crate has 2 sets of Chinese Stealth Armor. The condition for both is fairly low, so you'll want to use one to repair the other.
It's pretty bad-ass looking armor that includes a head-piece, but any hat/helmet can be worn on top of it. Enjoy.
Go to Hoover Dam, but don't go in the visitor center, just keep walking down the path until you come to the 2nd tower on the right. Go in that door and make your way through the tunnels until you come to a dead end that has a door with radioactive warning signs on it.
In this room, is a bunch of radiocative barrels and on the far left side of the room is a stack of wooden crates. All the crates are empty except 1. This one crate has 2 sets of Chinese Stealth Armor. The condition for both is fairly low, so you'll want to use one to repair the other.
It's pretty bad-ass looking armor that includes a head-piece, but any hat/helmet can be worn on top of it. Enjoy.