Choose your own Fallout adventure!


First time out of the vault
I want to play a game. I give you a scenario, you tell me what you wold do, I pick my favorite and hilarity ensues.

(Is this the right place for this? My intention is not to get banned)
Scenario 1:

You wake up, bathe, groom, all that jazz, go to leave your home in your privately-owned bunker designed to simulate a pre-war neighborhood and find a bloody coup raging outside.

What Do You Do?
nukepunk said:
Scenario 1:

You wake up, bathe, groom, all that jazz, go to leave your home in your privately-owned bunker designed to simulate a pre-war neighborhood and find a bloody coup raging outside.

What Do You Do?
Grab my handy dandy missle Launcher of course! :D
Shrug, say "When in Rome...," take some Psycho, and go to town.
I politely invite them over, then I turn on the automatic defenses and let the turrets take care of the non-suspecting greasy lot. I then spend the day helping my robots clean all the bodies.
The only possible answer is obviously
combined with massive amounts of DAKKA.
In case that fails to help me, add more DAKKA.
OK, then, it seems most replies are some variation on "Join the fray" so let's do that. You hit the boose, talk to the little girl giggling nearby (who tells you some acutely creepy shit), grab your trusty 10mil (the old Colt, not that bethesda pos) and... realize you have no idea what the hell is actually going on. Who is fighting who? Why?

Do You...

1) Mindlessly dive right in anyway?

2) Ask some goddamn questions?

3) Seek out friends/family?

4) Something else entirely?

Remember, it's all up to YOU!!! (and by you I mean me)
I try to attack the little girl for being so creeepy and get blown to bits. Can I load a save from earlier or is that it for me?
You kept your finger on the last page. (I guess this is a book I'm writing and/or reading from)

Seeing as how you would most likely just shoot friends/family in the face, you ask some goddamn questions.

Your vault is now divided by generation, Young vs. Old (with a few notable deviations). The Young have realised there can be no more breeding without inbreeding, and the Old responded with a devout "Yeah, so what?" Then the bullets started flying.

Tear through the old and finaly open the damn vault. Then my painfully obivous romance opition for some unknown reason, throws me out the vault because..... the game needed a Fallout 1 reference.