*Everything in Fallout 1 looks the same. Boneyard? Shady Sands? Junktown? Necropolis? The hub? They all look the same. Whereas New reno, vault city, san francisco, ncr, are all distinct locations.
To some degree, but generally each location had it's distinctive feel.
Junktown = Tin shacks.
Shady Sands = Adobe mud-brick.
Necropolis = Reddish brick buildings and Grey metallic buildings
The Hub = Grey metallic buildings.
But people need to understand the game has a very limit amount of artwork to work with. So you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't. F2 did make new elements to help with the issue, such as the new doorways and windows in Vault City, but I suppose the writing was as important in distinguishing the locations, as the art. My preference is F2 over F1, but that's because F2 was the introduction to the Fallout world for me, but saying that F1 is the better game - story wise.