Chris Avellone of Obsidian Answers Game Design Questions

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Chris Avellone who worked on Fallout 2 and now works for Obsidian has updated his blog with a question and answer session all related to game design. Most of it mentions things about RPG character design. Of note:

<blockquote>4. a) Who has been your favorite character (of all the characters you have worked on) to develop and why?

Morte and Fall-From-Grace in Torment, Myron in Fallout 2 (he was the first full companion I'd ever done) followed by Cassidy (the second), then Kreia in Knights of the Old Republic II.

Just about every character I've worked on, though, has "moments" that I've really enjoyed scripting for them (writing HK-47's definition of love, or the Handmaiden's Echani philosophy of combat, how Atton obsesses over Pazaak to prevent his thoughts from being picked up by Jedi, or Visas Marr's feelings for your character).</blockquote>

You can read it all here at Chris Avellone's blog.
I for one can't believe this news isn't getting more commentary. The man knows what he's talking about and has the same tastes I do.
There is not enough stuff in the news, that can be used for rage against Bethesda and stupid todays-games! :>

But you are not alone, german Fallout community is very silent too.

I hope, our Mister Avellone will write more cool stuff in future, because it always inspire me while working on my Shattered Destiny 2 mod. In fact, it's the reason why I am overthinking a lot story- and character related stuff right now.
Onozuka Komachi said:
I for one can't believe this news isn't getting more commentary. The man knows what he's talking about and has the same tastes I do.
Games are what matters. If he's not working on some awesome shit, no comments for him, no siree.
I didn't see anything worth commenting (or reading, while we are at it) in that article.
Morbus said:
Onozuka Komachi said:
I for one can't believe this news isn't getting more commentary. The man knows what he's talking about and has the same tastes I do.
Games are what matters. If he's not working on some awesome shit, no comments for him, no siree.

Was he... was he being facetious?

Anyways, anyone who worked on PS:T and FO is good in my book.
Yellow said:
Morbus said:
Onozuka Komachi said:
I for one can't believe this news isn't getting more commentary. The man knows what he's talking about and has the same tastes I do.
Games are what matters. If he's not working on some awesome shit, no comments for him, no siree.
Was he... was he being facetious?
He? Who? Me? Yes, of course.
Morte is just... awesome.

but Myron as one of his favs? odd. :)
while a decently worked out character, he was also very fucking annoying as far as i'm concerned.
Myron rocks. Each time I play FO2 he's on my team. He's just so goddamn annoying it grows on you. And he's actually not too bad in battle when you keep him doped up and give him ample time to recover.
SuAside said:
Morte is just... awesome.

but Myron as one of his favs? odd. :)
while a decently worked out character, he was also very fucking annoying as far as i'm concerned.

That means he's awesome. The worst characters are those you don't care about (AKA Fallout 3's cast).
SuAside said:
while a decently worked out character, he was also very fucking annoying as far as i'm concerned.
That just means he was well done, seeing that you reacted to his personality.
SuAside said:
[Myron] was also very fucking annoying as far as i'm concerned.
But compare Myron to Moira (from FO3 of course).

And the conversations you could have with Myron as a high intelligence/high science character were very cool.
i understand what you guys are saying, but i just can't agree that he's 'good' enough to be one of his favorites. i mean, yes, he was probably a good NPC and probably even more fun to design. but in reality, i just can't qualify him as awesome.

Kyuu said:
SuAside said:
[Myron] was also very fucking annoying as far as i'm concerned.
But compare Myron to Moira (from FO3 of course).

And the conversations you could have with Myron as a high intelligence/high science character were very cool.
well, there's Myron who you want to hurt BADLY from time to time.

and then there's Moira, which makes you want to commit suicide.
Well dudes... Avellone himself emphasizes Myron has a special place in his heart because it was the first companion he got to do. Besides, writing Myron's dialogue must have been a lotta fun.