Chris Hecker's GDC 2013 Rant

I know, they call it a rant while it's not. But it's more of a sample of a developer mindset that applies marketing mumbo jumbo to concepts completely shallow and uninnovative. It's a comment about the lack of independant thought in the biggest parts of the games industry.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Serifan said:
pretty stoned at the moment but wtf was that all about? what rant?

Marketers use buzzword, industry is churning the same concepts over and over, same ol' same ol'.

I can't wait untill the industry opens up more like the film industry has. In the future we'll probably get room for more auteurs to craft more focused and quality based games. Like directors have done for movies.
A few years ago I was ear gassed by the police in a political rally, they are looking at us all the time, with cameras, intercepted phones and they are growing. Imagine what would happen..... If super Heroes Existed!!!!!
WorstUsernameEver said:
Serifan said:
pretty stoned at the moment but wtf was that all about? what rant?

Marketers use buzzword, industry is churning the same concepts over and over, same ol' same ol'.
yeah, one of my favourites are always:

"Engine limitation prevented us from doing feature XYZ right."

"at some point you simply have to accept that you cant please everyone!"

"Of course all membery of our team are really BIG fans of the franchise and love it"

I am sure there are more general statements.
Walpknut said:
A few years ago I was ear gassed by the police in a political rally, they are looking at us all the time, with cameras, intercepted phones and they are growing. Imagine what would happen..... If super Heroes Existed!!!!!

That was the best part. Hilarious!

I protested, and the police were NOT THERE TO PROTECT ME.
And that leads me to our comicbook superhero fighting game.
I am a fan of Infamous, but that was the literal definition of Pretentious and silly.

This reminds me of the Dishonored April's fool video


Simulated Air Thickness.
Crni Vuk said:
"Engine limitation prevented us from doing feature XYZ right."

"at some point you simply have to accept that you cant please everyone!"

Nothing to do with the topic and those two are generally speaking (outside of particular situations I'm sure you're referring to?) fairly agreeable statements. In fact, one of the big problems of the current game industry is that it is trying to please everyone, and while that might work in terms of sales, it usually produces watered down titles in terms of philosophy and design.
thats why I made that comment to the "quote" of a person who said "buzzwords" :roll:

Because those get thrown around a lot in the gaming industry today. No clue if that has to do with the topic or not.

Also, when I say "you cant please everyone" this was directed at developers which counter criticism regarding their games that way, like "well someone will always complain", like such statements would make the problems disappear or something, when the game has bad or silly gameplay. If a game was made for the lowest common denominator, thats a different thing, as said, I am only talking about criticism. See Fallout 3, and the criticism about it, where it was said either by Todd or someone else that "you cant please everyone", probably directed at the "hardcore" RPG/Fallout fan. Like as it would make stupid writing disappear or something like that.