So yesterday, I played Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the highly anticipated Xbox 360 RPG set to hit shelves this spring. Note: this will not be a gushing preview. There will be complaints.
I'm actually late to the party on this -- most other people had their impressions up at midnight, which was when the press embargo was lifted. (Clever, actually, to embargo the only hands-on coverage of an incredibly anticipated game until Friday evening, meaning that all this weekend, the major feature on practically every games website will be on their game.)
Also note that I put exactly zero hours into the game's Xbox predecessor, Morrowind. So these are impressions from a total newbie.
Here's what I liked. If I felt like it, I could have spent another hour or so just screwing around with Oblivion's character-creation system. By this I don't mean "rolling D20s for stats," although I could have done that too. I mean the physical editing, which lets you adjust every little proportion, color, and size of facial features.
Sadly it's a first-person game. So you very rarely actually see yourself. Since this is a standard D&D-inspired American RPG, you do a lot of slashing rats for the first hour. Lots of rats. Then the occasional goblin. Combat feels solid. Ever wondered why you can't pick up weapons from the bodies of dead soldiers in other RPGs? You can here. In fact, all sorts of weapons, armor, and other items (bones, rotting food, sticks, cups) litter the opening dungeon, and you very soon realize that just like in real life, you are not supposed to just run around picking up everything that's not nailed down. Eventually you can't move anymore and have to start throwing things away. But when you do, the stuff you drop stays there. Forever.
Developer Bethesda says the world of Oblivion is about sixteen square miles large, and I have no reason to doubt that from what I played. Imagine walking sixteen miles in real life. That's how long it would take you to walk from place to place in Oblivion.
They're pushing the realism angle hard, which is going to turn off as many players as it attracts, I think. Towns are full of guilds that will let you start to branch off from the main storyline and start taking all manner of side quests and alternate paths, should you choose. Bethesda didn't say how many quests were in the game, but again I was in no position to argue. They could have handed me a press release that said there were sixteen bojillion possible stories and from what I saw I'd have printed that verbatim.
Here's what sucked. You don't see the problems for the first hour, because you're exploring a massive underground pathway that takes you through dank sewers and pitch-black caverns. You can't see more than a few feet in front of your face, sometimes, so everything looks decent -- not incredibly impressive, but fair enough.
When I got outside, things got hairy. I could see across to the other side of a lake, but it was completely undetailed. Just big, formless blobs of blues and greens. I turned around and looked at my more immediate surroundings and realized that the draw distance was awful. As you walk around, the ground teems with individually rendered blades of grass, bushes, mushrooms, all sorts of stuff. But only a small radius around your character is fully realized -- the rest of it is drawn in, quite visibly, as you move around.
This is the HD Era? Watching bushes and trees pop up out of thin air as I walk around? At one point I was heading towards what I thought was an empty forest clearing, when big-ass chunks of building started magically appearing. Come on. (Or maybe I was doing so well in the game that its denizens had started building shrines to my glory.)
Things get even worse when I jump on a horse. Now, I'm actually trotting at a steady clip, and Oblivion starts not just to have draw-in issues but framerate problems as well. It's chugging. It can't keep up with my speed, and quite frankly the horse isn't even going that fast. At some points, I keep seeing the "Loading Area..." message pop up every couple of seconds, which brings with it another framerate stutter. It's herky-jerky-all-over-the-place as I climb up the hill to the gate of Oblivion. My reation to the graphics has, over this sequence, gone from "unimpressed" to "nonplussed" to "annoyed."
But this ain't the next-gen experience I was promised. Weren't these kind of massive game-worlds supposed to be running in high-def grandeur, with smooth framerates and seamless transitions, by now?