Christ on a Crutch

maybe im a bastard(i'd lean to yes), but frankly i really just dont give a damn, and for a message board with im sure more than a few people who are waiting for the bombs to drop, im suprised at the outcry
nospaces said:
maybe im a bastard(i'd lean to yes), but frankly i really just dont give a damn, and for a message board with im sure more than a few people who are waiting for the bombs to drop, im suprised at the outcry're a real funny cold bastard...I noted the irony too...

Sorrow said:
I think that this tragedy could be easily avoided if more students would have guns with them.

And big ass monitors at the entrance reading "KILL".
I'm surprised that this doesn't happen more often in the US actually. The few laws that govern such things are minimal at best (I guess in some states) and I often wonder why gun laws are so "loose".
Because they're afraid if they change the laws they'll lose their electorate. I think the voters in southern states won't support anti gun legislature, as most own at least one.
Virginia Tech Shootings - remarks.

• At least two professors among the dead in Virginia Tech massacre
• Police have preliminary identification of campus gunman
• University officials say 33 dead, including gunman
• Attacks mark deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history

I know the investigation is far from over and there are no details as of yet about a motive or the identity of the shooter but i wanted to find out how u guys felt about this ... and offcourse .. what is to blame ?

Its a terrible terrible thing that has happened (esp in such a place) and the obvious thing for me is gun control. I will speculate that

- the reasons of the shooter were highly emotional
- there is nothing remarkable here .. desperate dillusioned person fails to control anger and takes it out on society ... it happens everywhere but (and if you'll allow me to be cynical) they dont always have the means to commit mass murder (a lunatic with a kitchen knife on a rampage is not the same as one with a glock).

Another thing i noticed and i hope i dont come off as a prick or worse is:
- whats with all the chubby police-men ? - seriously! the most of the law enforcement officers in the pictures i saw were at least chubby if not overweight for their job.
- and this might be totally unfair and i realise its stupid of me but ... i'm kind of dissapointed that no one tried to play the hero .. i'm not saying they should have but still.

I'd like to hear from other people on this.. and i apologize about remarks which may come off as offensive.
I suppose they will again blame Marylin Manson or GTA games making an influence on the shooter...
Well, over here in the UK guns are far harder to come by. I understand that the Constitution gives Americans a right to bear arms (is that right), but is it necessary? What need is there for guns to be so readily available?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be all "Nothing dangerous! No knives over two centimetres ever! Health and safety!", but it seems that if some nutter can get his hands on a firearm and then go on a killing spree, something needs changing.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
Sorrow said:
I think that this tragedy could be easily avoided if more students would have guns with them.

And big ass monitors at the entrance reading "KILL".
No. That's not my point. The obvious problem was that he had a gun and his victims didn't - they were defenceless and he could slaughter them like sheep - one man killed 30 people and wounded at least 20.
Every time I hear about a massacre in US it's one sided - attacker shoots a lot of defenceless people and them police kills him or he kills himself.
The point of free access to arms is that people should be safer, because for every gun carrying psycho there should be 3 or more gun carrying good, responsible people who would stop him if he tried to kill tens of people.

I'm not talking about students becoming killers - I'm talking about being prepared to defend oneself from local threats.
In my country there is a strict gun control, but I don't walk out of home without my OC gas and a decent footwear in case someone thinks that beating me to death is a good idea. If I'd live in country where anyone can buy a gun, I wouldn't walk out of home without a gun.

Free access to arms is kinda pointless when 32 people can get killed without any chance to defend themselves.

PhredBean said:
There's any number of things that can lead a person to "Running Amok" but for the most part it is feelings of repression or depression, which are usually linked. Much of the time their situation is self inflicted really. People who resign themselves to depression create for themself a cycle, where they cut themselves off from the world, then begin to think the world has abandoned them or forced them down, which simply furthers their downward spiral.
So, it's an attempt to fight back against violent/repressive society or vengeance upon the "living"?

PhredBean said:
I've personally known two people who have been caught shortly before going postal. One in high-school, who was caught with a pack full of pure ammonium nitrate (used for fertilizer for wheat fields) stolen from his family's farm and was attempting to create a bomb under the bleachers of the school field (the evacuation point for a bomb threat, the school's evacuation plan was changed drastically afterward so as to not bring all of the students to a single point) and again in the military when a squadmate was caught trying to smuggle over a hundred rounds of live 5.56 ammo into a blank-firing exersize involving the entire squadron (what was more frightening was that I was assigned to the command post along with most of the officers, who were most of the top people on his list, even if I wasn't on it).
Sounds scary :? .

I was thinking about killing people in primary school and my first secondary school when I was in class with a bunch of retards and criminals. Luckily a shrink that told me that killing shit isn't worth it, because one kills a piece of shit and gets a sentence for a human.
A good rule to use in life.

I had a lot of violent thoughts when I was in late secondary school and I had problems with learning (It seems that someone forgot to teach me skills of concentration and discipline.), but I simply writen horrible stories about rape and murder.

So, I think that there are a lot of other ways than simply killing people, even when one has depression, is repressed, etc.
Sorrow said:
Free access to arms is kinda pointless when 32 people can get killed without any chance to defend themselves.

So, restricting the guy from having a gun in the first place would be... bad?
Mikey said:
I understand that the Constitution gives Americans a right to bear arms (is that right)

Second Amendment, if I'm not mistaken?

They need that in case the government turns tyrranical or you decide to take America back.

Also, how do you plan on taking them away? I mean, with that kind of gun proliferation (like in post-war Poland) you can expect people to have caches of them into 20 yrs time.
The only thing more dangerous than a politician is a politician with guns.
Well, a monkey might be even more, and they usually dress better.

Silencer said:
Also, how do you plan on taking them away? I mean, with that kind of gun proliferation (like in post-war Poland) you can expect people to have caches of them into 20 yrs time.
Well, you make the guns and their accessories illegal to carry, sell, to poses, etc. unless you have a government signed release form. But first you make your government free from corruption, so the people do not need to "decide to take America back".
on the the american 2nd ammendment:

The problem is that anyone with a clean record can get a gun - its easier to get a gun then to drive a car - you have to pass multiple tests to drive a car but still you dont have to pass anything to get a gun .. its ridiculous.
monsharen said:
Sorrow said:
Free access to arms is kinda pointless when 32 people can get killed without any chance to defend themselves.

So, restricting the guy from having a gun in the first place would be... bad?
No. I'm just pointing out that being unarmed in gun saturated country isn't a very good idea. In my country, only policemen, security, military, a few civilians and organised crime can have guns - we don't have school shootings, etc.

I'm not saying that restricting the guy from having a gun in the first place would be bad. I'm questioning the validity of 2nd amendment when people don't/can't use guns to defend themselves against such attacks, but madmen can still use those guns to kill them in large numbers.
Silencer said:
They need that in case ... you decide to take America back.

Which is frankly pretty unlikely and an outdated reason. (Until I get in Downing Street...)

Also, how do you plan on taking them away? I mean, with that kind of gun proliferation (like in post-war Poland) you can expect people to have caches of them into 20 yrs time.

That's a good point. Do you think if they were outlawed they would eventually be got rid of (even if it took decades)?
Mikey said:
Silencer said:
They need that in case ... you decide to take America back.

Which is frankly pretty unlikely and an outdated reason. (Until I get in Downing Street...)
Frankly, I can't imagine people raising arms government in modern times - especially without anti-tank and anti-air missiles.
Sorrow said:
Mikey said:
Silencer said:
They need that in case ... you decide to take America back.

Which is frankly pretty unlikely and an outdated reason. (Until I get in Downing Street...)
Frankly, I can't imagine people raising arms government in modern times - especially without anti-tank and anti-air missiles.

wow, that video in the cnn link ( that was given is so freaking clueless and biased, i nearly fell off my chair.

what's next? blame NATO for making 9mm the standard issue sidearm calibre for NATO countries? llol...

on subject: it is strange to note but the USA has a much lower suicide rate than Europe. some of this might be related to the glorification of going down in a gunfight rather than just ending your life? (warning: pure speculation)
Did the liberian gouverment have a insanely huge army with tankses and a huge airforce? Somehow I do not think so.

Against a modern tyranical gouverment you need more than just guns. So basically what they need to do is uppgrade the second amandment to allow for civilians to have personal RPGs and ground to air missiles. Just so people can protect themselves. Ofcourse there will be nutjobs that will go crasy and start killing, but such things just have to be accepted so that americans can protect themselves.

Perhaps I should send the idea to NRA I bet they would love it.