Christian Reviews

Dr Fallout

These are the scourge of all critical reviewing, bringing their doctrine and ignorance to games that do better without them. They aim to ruin perfectly good and well written games by censoring anything that doesn't fit their Christian view, meaning that many Christians that read them are shooed away from fantastic games. Worst part is, many know the game is good but their religion stops them from recommending it.

Did you know that there are tons of Christian reviews that say New Vegas has a good story, but has too much violence, sex and alcohol, even saying it works perfectly good without it. Ummm yeah, like a chaotic world with few laws and lots of chaos works without those. I mean, sure we're going to be happy and God-abiding in a hell spawned world. And the pretension does not end there. One site even had the audacity to say that it couldn't have happened because God wouldn't allow it (except it is happening, just go to Africa) and they weren't even the nutcases!

Another said how Dead Money was disappointing, because it had too much violence and gore. Also ignoring the story line and the characters. Oh and they though Bethesda made it.

It's sad, pathetic and frankly do you want everything to be tame and up to some Christian standards who is offended by reality?

Kudos to Christians who like Fallout New Vegas aside from all that.
I really like game reviews from a clear position (rather than a faux-neutrality where the reviewer tries to pretend they don't have a bunch of biases.)

So give me Christian reviews, Movement Atheist reviews, Haitian Voodoo reviews, Eco-feminist reviews, Marxist reviews, Dadaist reviews, Ancap reviews, whatever. Really, just tell me what you think about the game and why. If I think your reasons are silly, I can just disregard them and be okay. That someone else has a different opinion on a game than I do is really nothing to get worked up about.

"Why people who don't share my values" like or dislike a thing is more interesting to me than whether or not they like it.
One of the most unbiased review sites I've seen. Game scores are broken down into two catagories:
1. The game's ranking as a game
Game Score - --%
Gameplay - --/20
Graphics - --/10
Sound - --/10
Stability - -/5
Controls - -/5
2. The Morality score where the game's content is judged from a purely Christian POV
Morality Score - --%
Violence - --/10
Language - --/10
Sexual Content - --/10
Occult/Supernatural - --/10
Cultural/Moral/Ethical - --/10
The Morality score has no bearing on the actual gameplay part of the review. And their reviews are pretty spot on. None of these back door bought 10/10s you see IGN handing out.
Well. I'm a Christian. A Methodist to be precise. And I play pretty much any game I want without fear of God getting upset about it. They're just games. Video games have no impact on how I react in the real world outside of conversations about the games I play. People who think that video games incite violence and cause people to go on murderous rampages are silly. It's not like if I run over a hooker in GTA San Andreas I'm suddenly going to hop into my car and do it in reality.

To me, I think God knows the difference between playing a video game and committing some atrocious act in real life. Games are virtual, and they stay in the virtual world. I judge games based off whether they're bad or not, not where they rank on some sort of moral scale. A video game doesn't affect anything I do in the real world, I don't see why it should matter what I do in it.

For the record, I live in the Deep South, Mississippi, the heart of the Bible Belt, and I've never heard of any family restricting their kids from video games because of Christianity. Video games are just that, games. I think your view on how Christian parents restrict their children when it comes to gaming is pretty extreme. I never had any problems with it, neither did any of my friends, or anyone I knew.
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they gives honest heart 11/10... at least :)
Duh, it's one of the only games that actually respects religion. And one like Mormonism at that!

Oh there are exceptions but the majority have too much of their religion affecting how they view games. Hell, one review disliked the ending of Honest Hearts because they thought back, creating a militarized tribe.
I kind of want of know what their Bioshock Infinite review was like, did they denounce the bigoted preachers? Say god would never let that happen? What did they say?
Edit: After reading the review, it was surprisingly well thought out. Nobody should judge art based on their religious teachings but ignoring that, it was a solid review.
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I kind of want of know what their Bioshock Infinite review was like, did they denounce the bigoted preachers? Say god would never let that happen? What did they say?
Edit: After reading the review, it was surprisingly well thought out. Nobody should judge art based on their religious teachings but ignoring that, it was a solid review.
Here's two.
I'm yet again impressed by the validity of these christian reviews, I imagine it's because these guys don't have to worry about public opinion or selling ad-space but whatever it is these guys can make honest reviews (if you ignore the religious/moral stuff), here are some quotes that should have been said by IGN or some other popular outlet:
Christian New Vegas review said:
my son plays Borderlands and tells me it’s an RPG, but it seems to have less freedom about it and simply more shooting – I just don’t think of it as an RPG
Christian Fallout 4 review said:
Fallout 4 (Bethesda Softworks, Rated M) is a BIG game, as so many new ones are today, but it tries to be too much in this reviewer’s view
Christian Fallout 4 review said:
The ultra-tragic story sets the mood of the game, and when that mood is betrayed (finds no outlet), the resulting annoyance (anger and dismay, more like) spoils the game.
Why the fuck do I have to look to evangelists and NMA/Codexers for honest fucking opinions?
That's what makes me so disappointed! They are fair critical reviewers that are blocked off by their faith! It's such a shame for me.
Well whatever you do, don't show them Wasteland 2 with its "God's Militia" faction.

I haven't played Wasteland 2 in a bit. I have three playthroughs(one which I never properly saved) and I haven't beaten the game. I destroyed and ran Angel Oracle to the ground because I had a huge suspicion they were cannibals and my second playthrough is in the Rave Club, never to be seen again.

And my third playthrough accidentally nuked the Canyon of Titan. I know the God's Militia has a recruit you can take but what does the Militia do in general? Are they just religious bandit douchebags or what?

Essentially I'll try to sum it up like this: Imagine a Fiend from Fallout New Vegas stumbling upon a working television. Hyped up on drugs, uneducated, foaming at the mouth, this savage sees the TV playing an old recording of a TV Evangelist talking about the fires of Hell and how we're all sinners in the eyes of God. Taking this literally, the fiend finds "God", or at least his warped image of it, and makes his own twisted, perverted form of Christianity, which in actuality is just a giant raider/slaver group. That's basically how God's Militia got started in Wasteland 2. There are some inside the group who have actually managed to see the actual Bible and realize that God's Militia is a terrible, warped version of what it should be. Thus is the case with the follower you can get from them. He saw how wrong his tribe's ways were and wanted to help fix it with the true teachings from the Bible.

In other words, God's Militia was based off this one raider seeing one of those insane TV Evangelists and forming a new "sect" of Christianity out of it based upon thinking everyone is going to Hell. Some people in the group, such as the follower you get, are actual Christians that want to change the organization into what it actually should be, based off the mercy of Jesus Christ and not killing everyone.