Dr Fallout
These are the scourge of all critical reviewing, bringing their doctrine and ignorance to games that do better without them. They aim to ruin perfectly good and well written games by censoring anything that doesn't fit their Christian view, meaning that many Christians that read them are shooed away from fantastic games. Worst part is, many know the game is good but their religion stops them from recommending it.
Did you know that there are tons of Christian reviews that say New Vegas has a good story, but has too much violence, sex and alcohol, even saying it works perfectly good without it. Ummm yeah, like a chaotic world with few laws and lots of chaos works without those. I mean, sure we're going to be happy and God-abiding in a hell spawned world. And the pretension does not end there. One site even had the audacity to say that it couldn't have happened because God wouldn't allow it (except it is happening, just go to Africa) and they weren't even the nutcases!
Another said how Dead Money was disappointing, because it had too much violence and gore. Also ignoring the story line and the characters. Oh and they though Bethesda made it.
It's sad, pathetic and frankly do you want everything to be tame and up to some Christian standards who is offended by reality?
Kudos to Christians who like Fallout New Vegas aside from all that.
Did you know that there are tons of Christian reviews that say New Vegas has a good story, but has too much violence, sex and alcohol, even saying it works perfectly good without it. Ummm yeah, like a chaotic world with few laws and lots of chaos works without those. I mean, sure we're going to be happy and God-abiding in a hell spawned world. And the pretension does not end there. One site even had the audacity to say that it couldn't have happened because God wouldn't allow it (except it is happening, just go to Africa) and they weren't even the nutcases!
Another said how Dead Money was disappointing, because it had too much violence and gore. Also ignoring the story line and the characters. Oh and they though Bethesda made it.
It's sad, pathetic and frankly do you want everything to be tame and up to some Christian standards who is offended by reality?
Kudos to Christians who like Fallout New Vegas aside from all that.