Christmas List- what's on yours?

A new electric shaver...mine's getting worn out..+ after shave.

New dumbbells, maybe 30 lbs each or so.

Battlefield 2 for PS2.

+ money..
I just want some cd's and a new amp for me guitar. I don't really get too excited over Christmas, really.
The Commissar said:
All citizens found to be celebrating the so called "Christmas" holiday shall be sent to re-education camps in Belgistan immediately.

We'll teach you how to knit mittens for baby kittens!
I want a Time machine so I can fast forward past my deployment to Iraq.
A Yankee Strat (red)
A 60 watt amp with all the gimmicks
Tommy Emmanuel and J.J. Cale CDs
Glass Slide

None of which I have any chance of getting...
The Complete Peanuts (I should at least manage to get 2, maybe 3 volumes)
THX 1138 ('cause I've heard it's awesome and the chance of ever seeing an awesome flick on tv is pretty much non-existant in Belgistan)

I'll buy myself a PSP, because I've been a damn good boy this year, finding a swell and good paying job, settling down with my biatch and all.

@ Welsh: my gf's birthday is also close to Christmas. On the 26th of December, to be more precise. Sucks being her, but I'll be a good boy and get her that mp3 player she so desperately wants.
Lazarus Plus said:
A nintendo DS
Primarily, anyways.

Aye, I've been thinking of getting the same. My brother has one and I just bought Mario Kart and nintendogs for it so I'm starting to think maybe I should just get my own.

I'll also be trying to get the ever elusive book Wizard of the Pigeons and probably one of the older Combat Mission games.
Peanuts? An excellent choice. My wife really enjoyed the Thanksgiving special and didn't see them in Brazil. She might like this.

Well as a stocking stuffer at least. Kind of expensive on E-bay, but I didn't see a Vol 3 of the DVD box sets.
What I want for Christmas is...

1) Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun $800.00 (better get one now, as the import of the gun has been band within the USA.

2) PS3 Game console

3) Alienware 51m Game Laptop, full decked out

4) Lots of Money
The PS3 won't be out till this spring. In Japan. Which means 2010 for the rest of the world.
I offered my wife that I might buy her a gun. She was curiously intrigued with the idea, and I began to wonder if such a gift is in my physical best interests.
The Overseer said:
TorontRayne said:
I want a Time machine so I can fast forward past my deployment to Iraq.

If it's such a bitch, then why the hell are you going?

Because I have too and I need the money.
welsh said:
Peanuts? An excellent choice. My wife really enjoyed the Thanksgiving special and didn't see them in Brazil. She might like this.

Well as a stocking stuffer at least. Kind of expensive on E-bay, but I didn't see a Vol 3 of the DVD box sets.

I'm not referring to a DVD box. I'm referring to this.