City of God

Sorry Kharn, I liked Gangs of New York, but it seems no one liked making it and it wasn't Scorsee's best.

And yes, I agree with your quote. For great Asian flicks- the Killer, or the Kurosawa's Ran, if you like violence.

Ichi the Killer's violence is almost comic in it's intensity and it blinds you to what could have been a good movie that got carried away with being exploitative. In that way, I thought Ichi had a better story than Kill Bill, but Kill Bill doesn't take itself seriously but Ichi seems to and becomes ridiculas. It sensationalizes the violence so that the violence takes center stage, but the story is lost.

Oh and Zoe, I am not sure if I agree with you, sorry.

As an American the most noticeable thing about Brazil was, for me, the high walls that everyone who is middle class and up, has around their houses and the amount of security that exists around the more high end condos. It is as if Brazilians are thinking that "one day these people in the favellas are going to come down and kill us all."

Yet they seem incapable of doing anything about it.

My wife's family lives in Maceio- a nice city in the Northeast. Based on the HDI scales, the quality of life there is little better than most of Africa, but if you are upper middle class or better you're doing fine. These areas are still not so violent although bandits have stopped buses and have robbed them, and one should be careful stepping into a favella.

Another thing, the cops are dangerous.

HDI scales more like Mexico City and other more affluent parts of developing world can be found in the South, including Sao Paolo and Rio. However the level of favella violence is more intense.

Rio is bad, but I hear Sao Paolo is worse. Be careful. Recently a friend of my wife was kidnapped and killed. The practice is for the kidnappers to take you to ATMs around the city and draw your money, and then when they are finished to kill you. People in Brazil are buying armored cars and bullet proof glass.

If you are worried go to your local college and go on infotrac and look up articles on Brazil.

That said, Brazilians are lovely people. I have had a great time in Maceio and nothing has happened to me yet. But I am also about 6 foot 1 inch with a body of a football player, and I have been told that I scare people. I like Brazil, but be careful.
welsh said:
Sorry Kharn, I liked Gangs of New York, but it seems no one liked making it and it wasn't Scorsee's best.

No, it wasn't. But I look at it and see it's potential, and sigh a sad sigh.

Movie could've been great, if it had more inspired actors to balance out Daniel Day-Lewis' brilliant play and if, for that face, Scorcese had a better vision of it. The idea is great, but I don't think he had a clear enough image of what he wanted to do with it. Hence the bad ending.

welsh said:
And yes, I agree with your quote.

"quote"? You make it sound as if I didn't write it.

welsh said:
Ichi the Killer's violence is almost comic in it's intensity and it blinds you to what could have been a good movie that got carried away with being exploitative. In that way, I thought Ichi had a better story than Kill Bill, but Kill Bill doesn't take itself seriously but Ichi seems to and becomes ridiculas. It sensationalizes the violence so that the violence takes center stage, but the story is lost.

Heh, you're giving it way more thought than it deserves

What us silly wide-eyed Westerners didn't seem to get when it reached our side of the ocean is that Ichi the Killer isn't a "classic" film, a "well-thought-out" film, or any of those things. It really isn't. It's a film based on a manga, or something, a camp little gory fun-flick. Think Bubba Ho-Tep, think Freddy vs. Jason, etc.

The centre concept, that of masochism, is approached with what I always simply stamp "Asian logic". "They" don't look at things the same way "we" do, and it shows in their cinema. This is what produces the "huh"-moments we have in films, but this also explains why they feel no need to explore intelligent parts of a film as much as we do. Battle Royale's much the same story.

Ichi's very over-hyped here, not because of what it was supposed to be or even what it is, but how we percieve it.

welsh said:
But I am also about 6 foot 1 inch with a body of a football player, and I have been told that I scare people.

Pics plz.

(really, I always pictured you as the a-typical student type. Not a dork, but not buff either)
Kharn said:
Movie could've been great, if it had more inspired actors to balance out Daniel Day-Lewis' brilliant play and if, for that face, Scorcese had a better vision of it. The idea is great, but I don't think he had a clear enough image of what he wanted to do with it. Hence the bad ending.

I loved the movie, but yeah, better actors and a little bit more planning would have made it a lot better. On one hand it's the only film I've ever seen where I could stand watching Dicaprio - on the other hand the guy can't act for crap and his ever-changing Irish accent is laughable. Cameron Diaz shouldn't have been in there either, she's not good actress and her screen presence clashed with the rest of the movie.

Daniel Day-Lewis though......dear god, it's a travesty that that guy didn't get an oscar. I saw the movie in the theater 2 extra times just because I was so amazed with his performance. A++

If anyone is interested in more old NY crime stuff, I recommend the book that the movie was "based" on - probably one of the best non-fiction books I've ever read. It's really amazing what a cesspool NY was back then.
The book is great.

And see it and love it if only for Daniel Day-Lewis, though I thought that DiCaprio was'nt terrible, though I generally hate Diaz.